NASA Science and Technology Scholarship Program (STSP). This Hands-on laboratory research gives students experience in the NASA working environment. This "workforce development" strategic initiative directly supports enhancement of the STEM pipeline. STSP, currently under development, will provide scholarship opportunities for students |
The Vision for Space Exploration. NASA is charting a bold new course into the cosmos, a journey that will take humans back to the Moon, and eventually to Mars and beyond
Swift mission Education and Public Outreach. Here you will find information about the various projects beign done by the Swift E/PO group, as well as cool science, mathematics, and technology learning experiences. |
"The Adventures of Amelia the Pigeon" presents science concepts through metaphors and analogies that relate to inner-city life. The use of a pigeon as the vehicle for the web site provides a metaphor familiar to inner-city children, and Amelia is utilized to introduce the concept of perspective. |
Latest Mars Images
NASA is taking the next step in humankind's age-old fascination with the red planet, as twin Mars Exploration Rovers set out on a quest for water, a key to life.
NASA Edspace
NASA is recruiting students, educators, and families to join the Earth Crew Team to participate in ground-based projects and missions to support the Educator Astronaut Program.