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U.S. International Trade


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ITC Jobs
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Commodity Analyst Directory
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Office of Inspector General
Ethics Counseling
Strategic Plan 2003-08
Annual Performance Plan
Program Performance Report
IRM Strategic Plan

Calendars and Schedules
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Meeting Schedules

News Releases

Federal Register Notices

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States
Commission Reports/ Opinions (Antidumping & Countervailing Duty Investigations)
China Safeguard (Section 421) Commission Opinions
Economic Effects Investigation Reports (Section 2104(f) of the Trade Act of 2002, Section 131 of the Tariff Act of 1974 and Section 2104(b) of the Trade Act of 2002)
Global Safeguard (Sections 201 and 204) Investigation Reports
General Factfinding Reports (Section 332)
Apparel Inputs Commercial Availability reviews
Industry and Trade Summaries
Staff Research Studies, Economic Working Papers and Staff Issue Papers
International Economic Review (periodical)
Industry Trade & Technology Review (periodical)
USITC Congressional Bill Reports
Year in Review 2003 (successor to the ITC Annual Report)
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Handbook
An Introduction to APO Practice in Import Injury Investigations
Summary of Statutory Provisions Related to Import Relief
Guidelines for Hearings
Section 337 Investigations: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Reports, Studies, Summaries, and Other Publications of the USITC, 1994-1997
Selected Publications of the USITC, Update Insert

Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Orders
Section 337 Information Resources
Questionnaires for Import-Injury Investigations
Apparel Inputs Commercial Availability: Investigation 332-428

EDIS On-Line (public inspection files)
Petitions and Complaints
USITC's Rules of Practice and Procedure
Historical Rules-related Notices
Proposed Rules
APO Forms
Statutes Involving the USITC

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Guide to USITC Procedures under FOIA
Guide to Requesting Information from USITC (Federal Register Notice)
Public Reading Room
Annual FOIA Reports
Frequently Requested FOIA-Processed Records (Impact Cards Holders)
FOIA Request Form

USITC-Generated Trade Resources
APEC Capacity-Building Workshop on Quantitative Methods For Assessing NTMs And Trade Facilitation (October 8-10, 2003)
DataWeb (interactive trade and tariff database)
Interactive Tariff Database
Bibliography of Trade-related Law Journal Articles
Summary of U.S. Trade Statistics, 1989-96
North American Trade Statistics
Value of Total U.S. Imports and Estimated Duty Collections, 1891-2002
U.S. Trade and Investment with Sub-Saharan Africa: includes quarterly updated tables

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