Mountain-Prairie Region
Endangered Species Program




Preble's meadow jumping mouse                    Preble's meadow jumping mouse


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The Preble's meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius preblei) (Preble's or PMJM) is a small rodent approximately 9-inches in length with large hind feet adapted for jumping, a long bicolored tail (which accounts for 60% of its length), and a distinct dark stripe down the middle of its back and is bordered on either side by gray to orange-brown fur.  Preble's bear two to three litters a year, averaging five young per litter, in a grass-lined nest.  In late summer, the mice gorge themselves on a diet of seeds, fruits, and insects to prepare for hibernation; they sleep in an underground burrow from September to May.  This shy, largely nocturnal mouse lives primarily in heavily vegetated, shrub-dominated riparian (streamside) habitats and immediately adjacent upland habitats along the foothills of southeastern Wyoming south to Colorado Springs along the eastern edge of the Front Range of Colorado.  The PMJM range includes Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Denver, El Paso, Elbert, Jefferson, Larimer, and Weld counties in Colorado; and Albany, Laramie, Platte, Goshen, and Converse counties in Wyoming.  This area has undergone rapid residential, commercial, agricultural, and industrial development that has impacted the PMJM habitat.  This habitat loss and fragmentation led to Federal listing of the mouse as threatened on May 13, 1998.

Since 1995, much has been learned about PMJM due to research conducted by the Colorado Division of Wildlife, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and other entities.  In addition, surveys required under the Endangered Species Act have increased our knowledge of their distribution.

Counties throughout the PMJM range have been actively developing habitat conservation plans that will allow for some development to occur while not adversely affecting the PMJM or their habitat.  A recovery plan that will describe the population and habitat conditions needed to remove this species from the Federal list is also being written.  Federal, State and local governments have protected lands that will contribute to recovery and long-term survival of the Preble's meadow jumping mouse.


In December 2003 the Service received two petitions, dated December 17, 2003, submitted by the State of Wyoming's Office of the Governor and Coloradans for Water Conservation and Development to delist the PMJM based on "data error" (i.e., new information discovered) and "taxonomic revision."

The Service has determined that these petitions and new information available in our files provides substantial biological information to indicate that delisting may be warranted and are initiating a status review.  Upon conclusion of the status review, the Service will issue a finding regarding the listing status of the species.  Because a status review is also required for the 5-year review of listed species under Section 4(c)(2)(A) of the Act, we are electing to prepare these reviews simultaneously.

As part of our status review of the PMJM, numerous peer reviews on Dr. Rob Ramey's report, "Testing the Taxonomic Validity of Preble's Meadow Jumping Mouse (Zapus hudsonius preblei)" have been completed.

These peer reviews are being considered in our on going status review.

More information on PMJM can be found through the Service's ECOS webpage.



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