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  DMSP Archive Description

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  Data Services/Pricing

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Data Services/Pricing

Overview of Services

NGDC maintains an archive of all data recorded on DMSP satellites as relayed to NGDC by Air Force Weather Agency. Data from March 1992 to March 1994, are considered to be experimental. After March 1994, the system is fully operational.

Currently, DMSP Data are archived at NGDC by individual orbit. Prior to December 2000, data were archived on 8mm tape grouped by day.

Ordering Data

  • Total Cost of delivered data is the sum of the following:
    • Cost of Data
    • Cost of Media (if any)
    • Service and Handling Fee
    • Shipping Fee (if any)

  • Check, money order or credit card (AmericanExpress, VISA, MasterCard) payments are accepted. Bank transfers by special arrangement. NGDC requires receipt of payment before processing orders.

  • Due to personnel constraints, orders will be completed as time and resources allow.

Cost of DMSP Data from the robotic tape library system

    Orbit only - 44 MB each$15 for the first orbit $5 each additional orbit
    Subset of orbit $15 for the first orbit $7 each additional orbit
    Geolocated Data $40 per image (vis and tir files) or $1.50 per MB
    Subset of pre-existing Geolocated Data25 minimum (vis and tir files) or $1 per MB
    Data converted to JPG, TIF, GeoTiff or other standard image additional $5NA
    Print image costadditional $5 on 8.5 X 11 or transparencyNA
    MI, T, T2, IES, J4, M
    Orbit Files$10 for the first orbit$2 each additional orbit

Cost of DMSP Data not in the robotic tape library system

    OLS, MI, T, T2, IES, J4, M
    Copies of archive tapes $155 each (includes media charge)
    OLS (smooth and fine resolution) tapes contain one day of data from 2 primary or secondary satellites per tape.
    MI tapes contain 5 days of data from 2 primary or secondary satellites per tape.
    T, T2, IES, J4, and M tapes contain one month of data from 2 primary or secondary satellites per tape.

Cost of Digital Media

    Transfer modeVolume of data
    media will hold
    Floppy disc1.4 MB$5.00
    8mm 5 GB $10.00
    CD 750 MB $5.00
    DLT 40 GB $70.00
    LTO 100 GB $70.00

Service and Handling Fee

    Order <= $50 $5.00
    Order > $50 $11.00

Shipping outside USA/Canada Fee

    Order <= $100 $10.00
    Order > $100 $20.00

To order data email:

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