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ASTER Protected Area Archive

The purpose of ASTER Protected Area Archive (APAA) is to make ASTER data and images covering protected areas easily available, and to provide simple and intuitive tools to utilize the data.  The  intended audience is Protected Area managers, and it assumes no knowledge of remote sensing or image processing.  It is hoped that this will help address what may be the two biggest obstacles to using Remote Sensing faced by many PA managers:  1) finding and obtaining appropriate data and 2) viewing and analyzing the data. 

  • The Concept Overview provides more information on the overall activity.

  • The ASTER Overview provides information to help Protected Area Managers in dealing with ASTER images.

  •  Download the APAA Demostration Disk, which includes an interactive map with selected ASTER outlines and full size ASTER images.

Contact Information:
Gary Geller
MS 169-315
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, California 91109  USA
+1 818-354-0133

Copyright California Institute of Technology
U.S. Government Sponsorship Acknowledged
under NAS7-1407 CL 97-1376

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