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Select Type of Analysis:    
Spatial Mapping Time Series   
Temperature Anomalies Map Time Series Graph

Select Dataset:
NCDC Experimental Land and
     Ocean Temperature

          Beginning from 1880.01
          Beginning from 1870.01
GHCN Land Surface Data*
          Beginning from 1880.01
      * -Time Series option only

Important Information for Users of this Site
1. This website is designed primarily for users involved in the study of climate variability and change.

2. Three mean temperature datasets are currently provided:

  1. An experimental gridded land & ocean dataset being developed at NCDC;
  2. A gridded land & ocean dataset developed at the Climatic Research Unit in the United Kingdom
    ( HadCRUTv2 );
  3. Data from the GHCN (Global Historical Climatology Network) land surface dataset.

3. Time series can be produced from each of the 3 datasets at any scale from global to a 5x5 degree area. However, time series for a particular country are only available by selecting the GHCN dataset. Data from the first 2 datasets are only available in gridded format, so time series can only be produced for a region approximating the boundaries of any country. It is possible that station data from more than one country would be included in any time series produced when selecting a rectangular region comprised of 5x5 grids.

4. Full use of this website's point-and-click feature for defining regions for analysis requires the use of Java Applets. For those with systems not capable of taking advantage of all available features, a 'Non-Applet' version is also available from the links provided. A list of minimum system requirements and options that must be active for use of the Applet version is available here.

5. Your browser's 'Back' button may not work when using these web pages. Please use the links provided to return to the previous page or main page.

6. PLEASE SEE THE SECTION ENTITLED 'USING THESE ANALYSIS TOOLS' for additional information on the use of this website.

Using these analysis tools
       This experimental web site provides tools for analyzing global land and ocean surface mean temperature data. It has been designed primarily for the climate research community as a source of information for studying climate variability and change. Data from two gridded data sets are provided for the spatial analysis of anomalies and trends. Users can also create time series graphs using any of three different data sets.

       These data sets are initially being provided as sources for studying the spatial and temporal variation and trends in mean temperature. Versions of two of these data sets, HadCRUT2v and GHCN, were used in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Third Assessment Report. The third, NCDC's Experimental Land and Ocean Dataset, has recently been developed and has not been subjected to the peer-review process. Information on each of these data sets is available from the links below:
  1. NCDC experimental land and ocean temperature data
  2. the UK Climatic Research Unit's (CRU) HadCRUT2 blended temperature data
  3. GHCN land surface temperature data
Time Series Analyses

       Several options are provided for defining the region of interest when creating time series:
- the country/region can be selected by using the "Select by Country/Region" pulldown menu, or
- the region can be selected by entering the Longitude/Latitude values into corresponding text fields, or
- the region can be defined using the mouse to click and drag over the region of interest (using the map provided on the time series page).

      Once the region is selected or defined, the month/season and the first and last year should be selected, and then the "Create Graph" button clicked to view the time series. After the time series is provided, the cursor can be placed over any value on the time series graph to view the value for any year.
Maps of Trends or Anomalies

       Maps of anomalies for any particular year/month can be created as well as maps of trends over any length of time during the period of record.

      To create trend maps, select the month/season of interest and the first and last year over which the trends will be calculated. Then select the minimum amount of data to be required in calculating the trend (as a percent of the number of years from first to last). Click the "Create Map" button to create the trend map.

      To create anomaly maps, select the month/season of interest as well as the year and then click on the "Create Map" button to create anomaly map.

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Please see the NCDC Contact Page if you have questions or comments.