Department of EnergyOffice of SciencePrivacy DisclaimerSciDAC

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Funded Projects

Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing

Advanced scientific computing will be a key contributor to scientific research in the 21st Century. Within the Office of Science, scientific computing programs and facilities are already essential to progress in many areas of research.

elementary particles
arrow National Infrastructure for Lattice Gauge Computing
arrow Advanced Computing for 21st Century Accelerator Science and Technology
arrow Shedding New Light on Exploding Stars: Terascale Simulations of Neutrino-Driven Supernovae and Their Nucleosynthesis
arrow SciDAC Center for Supernova Research

High Energy and Nuclear Physics Goals for SciDAC

The coming advances in computing performance, if they can be realized for scientific problems, herald a new era in scientific computing. If computers capable of 100 teraflops or more become available in the next few years, it will be possible to dramatically extend our exploration of the fundamental processes of nature. It will also be possible to predict the behavior of a broad range of complex systems, such as charged-particle accelerator components, and eventually entire accelerators. . . . more arrow

world map
and arrowThe Particle Physics Data Grid (PPDG) Collaboratory Pilot
(joint with the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research)

Participating Universities

Participating National Laboratories

Participating Small Businesses


For More Information Contact Vicky White  or Robin Staffin