As the Representative for Texas 22, Congressman DeLay can help make the federal government more accessible and responsive to constituents. Within this website, there are several resources and links to packets of information that will help residents navigate through federal government agencies as well as assisting them with any other questions they might have.

  Contact Information
    Congressman DeLay maintains two offices which constituents can contact at any time.
  Help with Federal Agencies: Casework
    Information on properly requesting assistance with federal agencies
  Help with Federal Grants
    A listing of federal grant sources and links to appropriate websites.
  Flag Requests
    Online form constituents can use to order flags.
  Service Academy Nominations
    Information detailing the requirements and process for obtaining a nomination to one of the service academies.
  Internship Opportunities
    Information on Congressman DeLay's Internship program and a printable application form.
  Page Nominations
    Information on how to become a Congressional Page.
  Tour Requests
    Information describing the process by which constituents can request various tours around D.C.
  Letter of Congratulations
    Information describing the process by which constituents can request congratulatory letters from Congressman DeLay
  How To Get Around DC
    A quick transportation guide that will you help navigate through the Nation's Capital that much easier