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LP DAAC On-Line Data Survey
The purpose of this short survey is to gather information from our users that will be critical in the evolution of the data we distribute and the methods of distribution. This is the users opportunity to help shape our vision for the future of NASA's Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC) and our data products.

The survey is comprised of three sections; please feel free to complete any or all of the sections. Your answers are voluntary but are very important to this research. All data will be collected and processed by the LP DAAC and will be held in complete confidentiality. Thank you for your participation.

There are thirteen short questions in this section of the survey.

1) From the general categories listed below, please select the data use/application your organization applies to ASTER and MODIS data.

Please check all that apply:

a) Agriculture / Forestry Management
b) Defense Related
c) Disaster Evaluation (i.e. Emergency Response)
d) Education
e) Engineering / Transportation
f) Land Management / Land Cover
g) Mapping
h) Resource Exploration (Minerals)
i) Scientific / Environmental Research (i.e. Glacier, Volcano, and Heat Energy Balance)
j) Urban Dynamics
k) Other
2) Have the data you ordered been useful in your research/applications?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Somewhat
3) Select the data sets that are relevant in your application(s):

Please check all that apply:

c) Other
4) What software does your organization use for data viewing and analysis?

Please check all that apply:

a) ArcGIS
b) ArcView
d) ER Mapper
e) ER Viewer
f) ERDAS Imagine
g) HDF Explorer
h) HDFView
i) HEG
j) HEW
k) Idrisi
l) LDOPE tools
m) MODIS Reprojection Tool
n) Multispec
o) PCI
p) Webwinds
q) Other
5) What barriers have you encountered while working with these data, and how did you overcome them?
6) Your preferred tool for search and order of ASTER and/or MODIS data.
a) EOS Data Gateway (EDG)
b) ASTER Browse Tool
c) Data Pool
d) Other
7) How often have you contacted or ordered data from the LP DAAC?
a) Once
b) Occasionally
c) Regularly

8) Were there acceptable media options available?  If not, please explain and specify desired media.

a) Yes
b)  No
9) Which of the following describes your country affiliation?
a) United States (US)
b) Non-US
10) Select your business association:
a) Commercial (COM)
b) Education (EDU)
c) Government (GOV)
d) Military (MIL)
e) Organization (ORG)
f) Other

11) We would like to hear feedback regarding your satisfaction with the LP DAAC products and services. Example topics: Accessibility, Generic Pricing, Spatial and Temporal Resolution.

12) Please include your recommendations for what data characteristics should be considered for future mission planning.
13) How would you assess your "DAAC experience"? This rating should encompass: Data Availability, Accessibility, Value, Web Navigation, Content, and Customer Service.
a) Positive
b) Neutral
c) Negative

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Last Update: Sunday, February 08, 2004
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