National Institute of Standards and Technology



Electronics and

Quantum Information Networks

Diagram of quantum information network, 
including quantum channel and classical channel. See Overview below 
for description


Quantum key distribution with 1.25 Gbps clock synchronization demonstrated

(May 3, 2004) We have demonstrated the exchange of sifted quantum cryptographic key over a 730 meter free-space link at rates of up to 1.0 Mbps, two orders of magnitude faster than previously reported results. A classical channel at 1550 nm operates in parallel with a quantum channel at 845 nm. Clock recovery techniques on the classical channel at 1.25 Gbps enable quantum transmission at up to the clock rate. System performance is currently limited by the timing resolution of our silicon avalanche photodiode detectors. With improved detector resolution, our technique will yield another order of magnitude increase in performance, with existing technology.

[Press Release ...]
[Technical Details ...]

Left: Physicist Joshua Bienfang sets up NIST quantum key distribution system. Photons encoding cryptographic keys are being sent in free space to the MIST Adminsitration Building shown in the background. (Photo by Gail Porter, NIST.) Right: Computer Scientists Alan Mink works on a programmable printed circuit board used to process data for the system in real time. (Photo ©Robert Rathe.)

Quadchart executive summary
Overview what we are doing
Staff who we are

Reports Vivek V. Shende, Stephen S. Bullock, Igor L. Markov, Recognizing Small-Circuit Structure in Two-Qubit Operators, Physical Review A 70 012310 (July 19,2004).

Vivek V. Shende, Stephen S. Bullock, and Igor L. Markov, A Practical Top-down Approach to Quantum Circuit Syntesis, quant-ph/0406176, July 2, 2004.

M. Ware and A. Migdall, Single Photon Detector Characterization using Correlated Photons: the March from Feasibility to Metrology, Journal of Modern Optics 51 (9-10) 2004, pp. 1549-1557.

Gavin K. Brennen and Stephen S. Bullock, Stability of global entanglement in thermal states of spin chains, quant-ph/0406064, June 10, 2004.

J. C. Bienfang, A. J. Gross, A. Mink, B. J. Hershman, A. Nakassis, X. Tang, R. Lu, D. H. Su, Charles W. Clark, Carl J. Williams, E. W. Hagley and Jesse Wen, Quantum key distribution with 1.25 Gbps clock synchronization Optics Express 12 (9), May 3, 2004, pp. 2011-2016.

News Coverage "NIST Quantum Keys System Sets Speed Record for 'Unbreakable' Encryption" : Science Daily / Eurekalert / Supercomputing Online / Space Daily / Innovations Report / News.Nanoapex. "Quantum Cryptography Gets Up To Speed" : Science a GoGo. "Cryptographic System" : CCNews. "Quantum Cryptography Advance" : Encyclopedia of Computer Security.

S.S. Bullock and G.K. Brennen, Canonical Decompositions of n-qubit Quantum Computations and Concurrence, Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 45, issue 6, 2004, 2447-2467. Also Virtual Journal Nanoscale Sci. & Tech., Virtual Journal of Quant. Info., quant-ph/0309104

A. Nakasis, J. Bienfang and C. Williams, Expeditious Reconciliation For Practical Quantum Key Distribution, Proceedings SPIE, Quantum Information and Computation II, to appear, 2004

Dianne P. O'Leary and Stephen S. Bullock, QR Factorizations Using a Restricted Set of Rotations

Isabel Beichl, Stephen Bullock, and Daegene Song, A Quantum Algorithm Detecting Concentrated Maps," April 23, 2004.

E. Knill, Fault-Tolerant Postselected Quantum Computation: Threshold Analysis, quant-ph/0404104, April 19, 2004.

Vivek V. Shende, Igor L. Markov, and Stephen S. Bullock, Finding Small Two-Qubit Circuits, Proceedings of the SPIE, QI&Cii;, April 15, 2004.

Stephen S. Bullock and Gavin K. Brennen, Characterizing the entangling capacity of n-qubit computations, Proceedings of the SPIE, QI&Cii;, April 13, 2004.

Paul E. Black and Andrew W. Lane, Modeling Quantum Information Systems, Proc. Quantum Information and Computation II, Defense & Security Symposium, Orlando, Florida, (April 2004), SPIE, to appear.

Stephen S. Bullock, Note on the Khaneja Glaser Decomposition, quant-ph/0403141, March 19, 2004.

E. Knill, Fault-Tolerant Postselected Quantum Computation: Schemes, quant-ph/0402171, February 23, 2004.

Stephen S. Bullock, Gavin K. Brennen, and Dianne P. O'Leary, Time Reversal and n-qubit Canonical Decompositions quant-ph/0402051, February 6, 2004.

E. Knill, Scalable Quantum Computation in the Presence of Large Detected-Error Rates, quant-ph/0312190, December 23, 2003.

Daegene Song, Remarks on Entanglement Swapping Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 6 (January 2004) L5-L7.

D. Richard Kuhn, A Quantum Cryptographic Protocol with Detection of Compromised Server quant-ph/0311085, Nov. 14, 2003.

Vivek V. Shende, Igor L. Markov, and Stephen S. Bullock, On Universal Gate Libraries and Generic Minimal Two-qubit Quantum Circuits, quant-ph/0308033, August 6, 2003.

Daegene Song, Secure Key Distribution by Swapping Quantum Entanglement, Physical Review A 69 034301 (March 5, 2004).

D. Richard Kuhn, Vulnerabilities in Quantum Key Distribution Protocols, quant-ph/0305076, May 14, 2003.

Daegene Song, Post-measurement Nonlocal Gates, quant-ph/0303147, March 24, 2003.

D. Richard Kuhn, A Hybrid Authentication Protocol Using Quantum Entanglement and Symmetric Cryptography, quant-ph/0301150, January 27, 2003.

Gavin K. Brennen, Daegene Song, and Carl J. Williams, A Quantum Computer Architecture using Nonlocal Interactions, Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics) 67 (27 May 2003), 050302(R).

News Coverage "Quantum Bits Need to Catch a Virtual Bus" : NewsFactor / ACM TechNews
News Coverage "Quantum Computing Catches the Bus" : Technology Research News / ACM TechNews

Carl J. Williams, Xiao Tang, Mikko Heikkero, Julie Rouzaud, Richang Lu, Andreas Goedecke, Alan Migdall, Alan Mink, Anastase Nakassis, Leticia Pibida, Jesse Wen, Edward Hagley, and Charles W. Clark, A High Speed Quantum Communications Testbed, in Proceedings SPIE, International Symposium of Optical Science and Technology, July 2002.

A.L Migdall, D. Branning, S. Castelletto, and M. Ware, Single Photon Source with Individualized Single Photon Certifications, in Proceedings SPIE, International Symposium of Optical Science and Technology, July 2002.

A.L Migdall, D. Branning, S. Castelletto, and M. Ware, Tailoring Single and Multiphoton Probabilities of a Single Photon On Demand Source, quant-ph/0205140, May 22, 2002.

Paul E. Black, Richard Kuhn, and Carl Williams, Quantum Computing and Communications, Advances in Computers, volume 56 (Marvin Zelkowitz, ed.), Academic Press, 2002, pp. 189-244.

Presentations Carl J. Williams, A High Speed Quantum Communications Testbed, International Symposium of Optical Science and Technology, Seattle, WA, July 2002.

Alan Migdall, Stefania Castelleto, and Michael Ware, Single Photon Source with Individualized Single Photon Certifications, International Symposium of Optical Science and Technology, Seattle, WA, July 2002.

Software C++ program for elementary quantum circuit synthesis demonstrating that any two-qubit quantum computation requires no more than 3 controlled-not's. (Developed by Stephen Bullock, November 2003)

C program for generating a quantum circuit to add two binary numbers of any width. (Developed by Paul Black, August 2003)

Opportunities Postdoctoral Research Program

Related Links
DARPA Quist Program: our sponsor
NIST Quantum Information Program: local context
Four Lectures on Quantum Computing, NSF Workshop on Coding Theory and Quantum Computing, University of Virginia, Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr.
Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr., ed., Quantum Computation. The Grand Mathematical Challenge for the Twenty-First Century and the Millennium, Proceedings of the Symposia of Applied Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island (2002).
Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr. and Howard E. Brandt, eds., Quantum Computation and Information, AMS Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 305, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI (2002)

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Page created : 1 May 2001. Last update : 30 August 2004 by RFB.