Atomic Physic Division

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Quantum Processes Group

The Quantum Processes Group develops theory and models of atomic, molecular, and condensed matter processes. The group is interested in the dynamic and static properties of these systems and how these systems interact with optical and magnetic fields. The goals of these fundamental studies are directed towards improved physical measurements, enhanced nanoscale measurement, and quantum coherent devices.

Group Staff
- Meet the Group

NIST Related Projects:
- Laser Cooling and Trapping Group
- Electron and Optical Physics Division
- Laser Applications Group
- Optoelectronic Manufacturing Group

Job Opportunities:
- Division Postdoctoral Positions

Atomic Physics Division home page

Physics Laboratory home page

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- Cold Collisions: numerical and analytic quantum scattering calculations of atomic collision properties below 1 mK.
- Photoassociation Spectroscopy: calculation and analysis of experimental data on high-resolution photoassociation spectra of cold trapped atoms.
- Bose-Einstein Condensation: quantitative determination of collision parameters for condensate modeling; simulation of time-dependent condensate dynamics.
- Quantum Information Technology: simulations of quantum logic based on neutral atoms held in optical lattice nanotraps; application to quantum information, quantum logic devices, and atom optics.
- Nanooptics: theory of nanoscale optics for near-field microscopy and the local optics of photonic structures, biomolecules, and quantum nanostructures.
- Nanostructures: atomic-scale theory for the optical and electronic properties of quantum nanostructures and biomolecules.

Division Technical Highlights

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Online: October 2001
Last update: October 2002

Link to larger image and full figure caption
Overview of neutral atomic and molecular cooling and trapping shows an energy scale spanning 12 orders of magnitude in kinetic energy E of atomic motion, expressed in temperature units T = E/kB (kB is the Boltzmann constant).
Technical Inquiries: Garnett Bryant
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Bldg. 221, Rm. A267
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8423
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8423