Atomic Physic Division

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Laser Cooling and Trapping Group

The Laser Cooling and Trapping Group studies the physics of laser cooling, electromagnetic trapping and other radiative manipulation of neutral atoms and dielectric particles. These fundamental studies are used to develop applications to new kinds of physics measurements and processes such as high resolution spectroscopy, atomic clocks, atomic collisions, atom optics, bio-molecular interactions, and atomic-scale and nano-scale fabrication.

Laser cooling and trapping of neutral atoms are explored at NIST in the group of Bill Phillips (Nobel Prize in Physics 1997). Interesting phenomena occur when atoms are cooled down to < 1 mK.

Group Staff

Job Opportunities:
- Division Postdoctoral Positions
- Current and Former Post Docs

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- Atomic Clock: develop advanced techniques of laser cooling cesium atoms for use in atomic clocks.
- Bose Einstein Condensation: investigate properties and applications of dilute quantum gases of alkali atoms.
- Cold Collisions: study ground state and photoassociative collisions of ultracold atoms.
- Metastable Xe: study ultracold Rydberg atoms and plasmas using laser cooled and trapped metastable xenon.
- Optical Lattices: investigate the properties and applications of ultracold atoms confined in periodic potentials made of light.
- Optical Tweezers: optically manipulate microscopic objects to address problems in biochemistry and biotechnology.

Division Technical Highlights

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Online: October 2001
Last update: June 2003

Picure of staff member viewing a sample of magneto-optically trapped sodium atoms
Staff member Kris Helmerson viewing a sample of magneto-optically trapped sodium atoms (small yellow dot in the center of the vacuum chamber) cooled to a temperature of less than 1 mK.
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