Patent Maintenance Fees
  • Please enter both a patent number and its corresponding application number to look up patent maintenance fee information or to pay a maintenance fee.
  • If paying a maintenance fee, after entering the patent and application number click on 'Retrieve Fees to Pay.'
  • If you wish to obtain patent bibliographic data, after entering the patent and application number click on 'Get Bibliographic Data.'
  • If looking up the payment schedule to determine when maintenance fees are due on a patent, after entering the patent number and application number click on 'View Payment Windows.'
  • If you wish to print out a statement showing receipt of a maintenance fee payment, after entering the patent number and application number select the "Payment Window" year from the drop-down list box and then click 'View Statement.'
For information about which patents are subject to maintenance fees and the time of payment for maintenance fees, please refer to Chapter 2500, Maintenance Fees, of the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure.

The Privacy Act of 1974 - as it relates to Maintenance Fees
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 - as it relates to Maintenance Fees

Patent Number (exclude special characters; e.g. commas):
Application Number (must be 8 numeric digits - See NOTE below):
for Payment Window:

Patent Maintenance Fee Availability:
The ability to pay Maintenance Fees is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week EXCEPT for the following times:
Sunday through Saturday, 10:00 PM to 10:15 PM
Sundays, Midnight to 4:00 AM

NOTE: The Application Number consists of a 2-digit series code PLUS a 6-digit serial number; i.e. - if your series code is '07' and your serial number is '123456', the complete application number will be entered as '07123456'. Do not use slashes, commas, or other non-numeric characters.

In order to find your series code which is based upon your application filing date, use the following table:

Application Filing Date
Series Code
01/01/79 12/31/86 06
01/01/87 12/31/92 07
01/01/93 12/31/97 08
01/01/98 12/03/01 09
12/04/01 Present 10

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