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NW/AFSC Library News



October 7, 2004

Montlake Library Inventory

We have set out to determine how many items checked out of the Montlake Library can no longer be found. It is important to know, because when we list a book in the NOAA Library Catalog, we imply we can produce it in a reasonably short time for someone who wants to use it. If we cannot honor the promise, we should not list the book.

Around November 1, those of you who checked books out prior to Jan. 1 1995 will receive a list of books in our records under your name. We do not need any of these books to come back to the library, but we do want to sort out those we can no longer find.

You can check ahead of time to see if any of these books are in your office/lab/home/car/backpack/etc. by consulting one of the following lists. We all know how library books move around, so even if you have not been with NOAA 10 years, you may find something that is in your possession.

If you have any of these books, let the Montlake Library know by e-mail (, phone (206-860-3210), or in person. We will note with some relief that they are still around. If you do want to return any books to the library, we will be happy to receive them.

Thanks for your cooperation.

October 5, 2004

JSTOR coverage expanded

The NOAA Central Library now provides three JSTOR collections agency-wide. JSTOR provides online journal back issues, usually to volume 1. NOAA libraries on the west coast previously had access to the Botany & Ecology and General Science collections. We now also can view the Math & Statistics collection, which includes back issues of journals such as American Statistician, Annals of Statistics, Applied Statistics, Biometrics, Biometrika, and Journal of the American Statistical Association.

March 9, 2004

Current Contents and Web of Science information

A representative from ISI will be at Sand Point to talk about use of Current Contents and Web of Science. If you want to get information straight from the vendor's mouth, here is your chance. Note that questions about use of these resources can be answered at any time by your very own librarians.

The sessions on March 9 will be from 9 to 10 AM in the PMEL Oceanographer Room, Building 3, and from 11:30 to 12:30 in the Traynor Conference Room, Building 4.

January 29, 2004

World's Coasts Online

Today starts a 30-day trial period for World's Coasts Online. It is an expanded version of the 1985 encyclopedia titled The World's Coastline. The online product would cost a few hundred dollars per year, so we will be interested in hearing your comments on its value.

November 28, 2003

Phaseout of local library catalog

We are beginning to phase out the NW/AFSC library catalog in favor of the NOAA Central Catalog (NOAALINC). NOAALINC already includes more items from the Montlake library than does the local catalog, but we still need to add in approx. 1500 records. That will be a gradual process completed in 2004.

The advantage of using NOAALINC is that you can see search results from all NOAA libraries at once. We should be able to borrow any item not owned by this library, and quickly obtain at no cost articles from journals owned by other NOAA libraries that we do not have at Montlake. You can, if you prefer, limit a search to items held here by selecting NWFSC Seattle Library from the list on the right side of the search screen. The default setting searches all libraries. Note the difference between 'Keyword' and 'Browse' on the search screen. A keyword search will return items containing what you enter in the selected category (Author, Subject, Title, or Everything, which searches all those locations). If you select browse, you will see a list of items beginning with the term you enter. Feel free to ask the library any questions you have about using NOAALINC.

We will continue provide links to both catalogs until there are records representing all our holdings in NOAALINC.

October 8, 2003

Habitat Factors Limiting Salmon Success in Washington State

Reports for most Water Resource Inventory Areas in Washington are available in PDF format.

October 2, 2003

Expanded online access to Kluwer journals

A joint effort by NOAA libraries in the west has increased the scope of online access to journals from Kluwer. In most cases, content from 1997 to date can now be seen. Journal titles include Aquaculture International, Aquatic Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation, Biogeochemistry, Biological Invasions, Conservation Genetics, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, Environmental Biology of Fishes, Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery, Natural Hazards, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, and Russian Journal of Marine Biology

August 12, 2003

Web of Science/Current Contents training

A trainer from ISI, the vendor supplying Web of Science and Current Contents, will be at Sand Point Friday August 22 to conduct two sessions detailing use of the products. A morning session will be at 10 o'clock in the Traynor Conference Room in Building 4. The afternoon session will be at 1:30 in the PMEL Oceanographer Room in Building 3.

August 4, 2003

Web of Science coverage expanded

The coverage period of the Web of Science has been expanded, and now includes records of documents from 1980 to the present. A general search will now turn up documents back to 1980, unless you limit the search to a narrower time frame. As before, the lists of documents cited in a record will include those from before 1980, but now you will see the full record for all documents published after that cutoff point.

The number of simultaneous users is still limited to 5, so remember to log off when you are done searching.

April 29, 2003

Effective Use of Selected Library Catalogs:
UW, NOAA Central, and NW/AFSC Libraries

Traynor Conference Room (Bldg. 4)

PowerPoint presentation
Handout [Word] summarizing catalog features and searching tips.

As some of you may know from personal experience, using online catalogs to find publications of interest can be a frustrating experience. Catalogs have different interfaces and command syntaxes, and the underlying records aren't always consistent. Coaxing out a record that we know *MUST* be in there isn't always straightforward.

This session aims to help you become a more proficient online catalog user for the UW, NOAA Central, and NW/AFSC library catalogs. We will address the following topics:

  • overview of significant catalog features;
  • tactics for locating journals, reports, proceedings, bulletins, and other similar publications;
  • pitfalls to avoid; and
  • general catalog searching techniques.

April 15, 2003

Expanded Full-Text Access (1998-present) to 17 Online Journals

NWFSC and AFSC staff with IP addresses in the range 161.55.XX.XX now have expanded full-text access to 17 online journals published by Elsevier Science. These titles can be accessed via the online journals page:

  • Animal Behaviour
  • Aquaculture
  • Biological Conservation
  • Developmental & Comparative Immunology
  • Ecological Economics
  • Ecological Modelling
  • Environmental Research
  • Fish and Shellfish Immunology
  • Harmful Algae
  • Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
  • Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
  • Marine Policy
  • Mathematical Biosciences
  • Microbial Pathogenesis
  • Theoretical Population Biology
  • Toxicon
  • Trends in Ecology and Evolution

Jan. 15, 2003

Bibliographic Databases Workshop

The library held a Bibliographic Databases Workshop, presenting an overview of the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA), Web of Science, PubMed, TOXNET, and other databases that are available to all NOAA West staff; this included a general comparison of ASFA and Web of Science. The workshop also included a brief overview of selected databases available from UW that can also be used by NOAA staff.

Dec. 10, 2002

Accessing UW Databases

The NW/AFSC Library has compiled a list of selected databases that are available from the University of Washington. NWFSC and AFSC personnel can access these databases in three different ways. Instructions are also available for those personnel affiliated with UW on how to access UW databases and e-journals using the UW proxy server.

Sept. 2, 2002

NOAA West users can now access Web of Science

Users throughout NOAA West can now use an additional database, Web of Science (aka "Science Citation Index Expanded") to search for scientific article citations from journals, books, meeting abstracts, book reviews, patents, etc. Our subscription provides access to articles from 1991-present.

An advanced, unique feature of this database is its ability to trace article citations both forward and backward through time. For example, when an article is retrieved, its record provides links to all of the works cited by the article. However, the user can also see all of the works published later that cite the selected article. This enables the user to connect related publications, trace a subject's development over time, etc.

Although Web of Science indexes a greater number of publications than other databases to which NOAA West users have access (e.g., ASFA, Oceanic Abstracts), there are many publications that it does not index. When searching for an article, it pays to look in many databases, rather than relying on just one.