Embassy of the United States of America Tokyo, Japan September 18, 2001 The U.S. Embassy is aware of various reports in the media regarding the security situation in Japan in light of the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11. We remain in close contact with Japanese law enforcement authorities. The Embassy reiterates its previous guidance to the American community in Japan: The Embassy in Tokyo and its consulates elsewhere in Japan remain on alert. The United States is maintaining increased security coverage at its diplomatic and military facilities in Japan and around the world. On September 7, the Embassy warned that terrorist actions may be taken against U.S. military facilities and/or establishments frequented by U.S. military personnel in Korea and Japan. However, the attacks on New York and Washington do not appear to be related to any previous threat to U.S. facilities in Japan and we have no additional information of any threat specific to Japan. Nonetheless, the Embassy strongly recommends all American citizens review their personal security precautions. Organizations and institutions associated with the American community should implement heightened security measures. The Embassy will continue to monitor the situation and will keep the American community informed of developments as they affect Japan. The community should tune to Eagle 810 AM and Inter-FM (76.1MHz) radio broadcasts for any bulletins and may consult the Embassy's website at usembassy.state.gov/tokyo and the consular information site at http://travel.state.gov. The Embassy wishes to express its gratitude to the Government of Japan for the strong support it has offered to the United States, to this mission, and to U.S. Forces in Japan. We will work closely with the Government of Japan to help ascertain the welfare and whereabouts of Japanese citizens who may have been victims of this attack. We also wish to extend our profound appreciation to our friends in Japan and from around the world for their many expressions of sympathy and support.