America's National Wildlife Refuge System -- 1903-2003
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America's First National Wildlife Refuge to Host 100th Anniversary

January 30 -- On March 14, 2003, Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton will commemorate this conservation milestone in Sebastian, Florida, home to the first national wildlife refuge, Pelican Island.

Interior Secretary Norton Appoints Centennial Commission to Steer Centennial Celebration

February 20, 2002--In a speech at the National Press Club, Interior Secretary Gale Norton announced the appointment of a 19-member Centennial Commission who will join her in celebrating the 100th birthday of the National Wildlife Refuge System in 2003, and mapping out a plan to ensure that some of this country's greatest natural treasures can be enjoyed by all Americans for the next 100 years. [more]

Centennial Commission members are: 
[click here to read brief biographies]

The Centennial Commission held its first meeting March 12-13, 2002.  Read the meeting minutes.

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