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picture of six modeled Earths spiraling into the eye of Hurricane Andrew. Clicking this image will take you to the Earth Sciences Portal, a repository of science links
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What is the Earth Sciences Portal?

The Earth Sciences Portal is a searchable links directory that spans all the web-based information of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Earth Sciences Directorate.

With the Earth Sciences Portal, you can browse through its specialized hierarchy of Earth Sciences research and information: a large collection of categories and sub-categories created by people, not computer programs. And by browsing, you can have in front of you a good, perhaps complete listing of all the sites that cover a particular Earth Science subject. Just look for the category. You can navigate this structure and peruse all our cutting-edge research and technology contained within it, making choices as you go along.

We hope you find our Portal to be a useful tool for exploring our web-based Earth Sciences research and information.

Please let us know what you think of it.  

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