Earth Sciences Directorate, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
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Earth Science at NASA is about "Improving Life Here" on Earth. The Earth is a dynamic and interconnected system and NASA produces new insights into our changing planet. At NASA, we understand how Earth science is important and useful for our future, and how it improves the quality of our lives. At the Earth Sciences Directorate, Earth science research is dynamic and is performed by real people. We observe the whole globe of the Earth and its global changes from the unique perspective of space. We develop technologies that are essential to observing & understanding changes in the Earth's climate system such as state-of-the-art remote sensors, aircraft-based and surface-based observation platforms.

picture of an early sounding rocket Our History

Learn about how Earth Science at NASA and the Earth Sciences Directorate has evolved over the past 40 years, what scientific objectives it is pursuing today and where Earth Science research at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center is headed over the next 25 years.

picture of astronauts Claude Nicollier and John Grunsfield in a Goddard clean room training for the Hubble Servicing Mission 3AWhat We Do

The Earth Sciences Directorate is charged with developing a better knowledge of the distribution and characteristics of Earth's natural resources and how they are changing. Our three "Laboratories" and special organizations focus on research areas and topics such as oceanography, hydrology, climate research; as well as, global physical system modeling, interactive process studies, and solar-terrestrial relationships. All our research activities are strongly supported by ever-improving state-of-the-art super-computer facilities. To learn more, please visit our organizational web sites.

picture of two Afro-American businessmen comparing notes with an American flag and the NASA logo in the background Collaborations

Explore a list of academic institutions with which the Earth Sciences Directorate, in total or through one of the organizations within the Directorate, has formal agreements that reflect explicit interest and desire to work together on Earth science research and education efforts of mutual interest.

picture of the Terra satellite, the flagship of the Earth Observing System Science Missions

Learn about current and future Earth science missions supported by the Earth Sciences Directorate and the Goddard Space Flight Center. Satellite mission profiles, launch dates, scientific objectves and links to corresponding mission web sites are presented.

Our Mission & Values artist rendering of planets, galaxies, nebulae, and the DNA molecule stating NASA's vision: to improve life here, to extend life to there, and to find life beyond

NASA is an investment in America's future. As explorers, pioneers, and innovators, we boldly expand frontiers in air and space to inspire and serve America and to benefit the quality of life on Earth. Read up on the vision, mission statement and values of the Earth Sciences Directorate that we have adopted in our quest to serve America.

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