Office of the Chief Information Officer and High
Performance Computing and Communications
implements the provisions of the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, the Paperwork
Reduction Act, and other directives regarding the acquisition, management,
and use of information technology (IT) resources.
The Office leads the improvement of NOAA operations and service delivery
using IT systems, promoting NOAA's effective use of IT to accomplish
its mission. The Office leads NOAA's principal IT research through
the NOAA High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) program,
provides advice to NOAA management on information resources and information
systems management, promotes and shapes effective strategic and operational
IT planning process for NOAA, coordinates the preparation of NOAA's
IT budget and associated materials, overseas selected NOAA-wide operational
IT systems and services, and is responsible for other assigned programs
that are interagency and/or international in scope.