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Table 4 U.S. Export Price Indexes, by SITC

Table  4     U.S. Export Price Indexes and Percent Changes for Selected Categories of Goods
                  September 2003-September 2004      2000=100, unless otherwise noted
                                                                                         Index                            Percent Change
                                                                      Import-                          Annual             Monthly
                                                                       ance                             Sept.     May       June      July      Aug.
SITC                             Description                                                            2003      2004      2004      2004      2004
Rev. 3                                                                August     August    September     to        to        to        to        to
                                                                       2004       2004       2004       Sept.     June      July      Aug.      Sept.
                                                                        1/                              2004      2004      2004      2004      2004

         ALL COMMODITIES............................................. 100.000     103.4      103.8       4.0      -0.7       0.5      -0.5       0.4

0          FOOD AND LIVE ANIMALS.....................................   6.606     116.4      117.7       5.0      -2.2      -3.3      -2.8       1.1
01               Meat and meat preparations..........................   1.307     125.6      123.8       5.6      -0.3      -3.6       2.4      -1.4
03               Fish, crustaceans, aquatic invertebrates
                        and preparations thereof.....................   0.510     108.1      110.6       7.1      -1.5      -1.1       0.7       2.3
04               Cereals and cereal preparations.....................   1.787     120.6      122.0      -1.8      -3.3      -9.3      -5.8       1.2
05               Vegetables, fruit and nuts, fresh or dried..........   1.369     114.1      121.3      19.6      -1.9      -0.9       3.6       6.3
08               Feeding stuff for animals (not
                        including unmilled cereals)..................   0.653     112.6      108.5      -3.7      -6.1       5.5     -19.1      -3.6
09               Miscellaneous edible products and preparations......   0.463     101.6      101.6       0.6      -0.1       0.0       0.0       0.0
      2/   Other food and live animals...............................   0.516     109.6      108.9       5.0       0.6      -2.3      -2.0      -0.6

1          BEVERAGES AND TOBACCO.....................................   0.702     101.8      101.7       4.0      -0.2       0.2       0.0      -0.1
12               Tobacco and tobacco manufactures....................   0.452     100.3      100.2       4.2      -0.2       0.3       0.0      -0.1

2          CRUDE MATERIALS, INEDIBLE, EXCEPT FUELS...................   5.122     117.9      119.3      12.3      -5.1       5.1     -10.7       1.2
22               Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits.....................   1.002     117.4      125.1       3.3     -15.3       9.5     -36.4       6.6
24               Cork and wood.......................................   0.552      98.9       99.1       8.2       0.1       0.6       0.0       0.2
25               Woodpulp and recovered paper........................   0.673      99.5       99.3      11.8       0.4      -0.7      -0.6      -0.2
26               Textile fibers and their waste......................   0.534     101.1      102.1      -6.8      -5.4      -5.3      -1.7       1.0
28               Metalliferous ores and metal scrap..................   1.317     183.0      177.2      47.8      -1.8      13.6      -3.8      -3.2
      2/   Other crude materials, inedible, except fuels.............   1.044     114.2      117.8       6.8       1.5       1.2       2.0       3.2

                     MATERIALS.......................................   2.448     139.6      141.2      29.9      -2.4       4.3       1.5       1.1
33               Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials.   1.763     136.2      137.7      32.1      -3.9       3.7       1.3       1.1

5          CHEMICALS AND RELATED PRODUCTS, N.E.S.....................  13.813     108.7      109.6       9.3       0.2       1.2       1.5       0.8
51               Organic chemicals...................................   3.183     118.6      120.2      19.7       0.8       1.1       2.3       1.3
52               Inorganic chemicals.................................   0.824     100.6      101.4       2.3       0.7       0.2       1.7       0.8
53               Dyeing, tanning and coloring materials..............   0.587      98.8       99.1       0.3       0.3       0.2       0.6       0.3
54               Medicinal and pharmaceutical products...............   2.519     108.3      108.3       2.8       0.1       2.1       0.3       0.0
55               Essential oils; polishing and cleansing preps.......   0.955     104.6      104.7       6.6      -0.1      -0.2       0.5       0.1
56               Fertilizers.........................................   0.458     139.1      145.2      18.2      -1.9       1.2       0.0       4.4
57               Plastics in primary forms...........................   2.412     108.9      111.0      16.4       0.3       2.9       2.5       1.9
58               Plastics in nonprimary forms........................   0.881      97.7       97.8      -0.4      -0.2       0.7       0.5       0.1
59               Chemical materials and products, n.e.s..............   1.994     106.6      106.4       4.4       0.1      -0.2       1.8      -0.2

                     BY MATERIAL.....................................  10.550     109.8      110.5      10.3       0.4       1.3       1.3       0.6
62               Rubber manufactures, n.e.s..........................   0.778     112.0      111.6       2.2       0.4       0.6       0.1      -0.4
64               Uncoated Paper/paperboard, and linerboard...........   1.537     101.8      103.0       4.8       0.2       2.1       0.5       1.2
65               Textile yarn, fabrics, and made-up articles, n.e.s..   1.640     105.7      106.3       4.1       1.3       0.3       0.0       0.6
66               Nonmetallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s.............   1.478     100.2      100.6       1.1       0.4       0.1       0.2       0.4
67               Iron and steel......................................   1.352     165.1      165.3      55.8       2.0       6.2       6.9       0.1
68               Nonferrous metals...................................   1.115      96.9       98.1      20.2      -2.3       0.0       1.6       1.2
69               Manufactures of metals, n.e.s.......................   2.207     111.1      111.7       7.0       0.6       2.0       0.5       0.5
      2/   Other manufactured goods classified
                  chiefly by material (200112=100)...................   0.442     115.7      117.5       1.4      -3.0      -4.1       2.1       1.6

7          MACHINERY AND TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT.........................  48.552      98.3       98.3       0.4      -0.2       0.1       0.0       0.0
71               Power generating machinery and equipment............   4.895     108.9      109.0       1.4       0.0       0.2       0.0       0.1
72               Machinery specialized for particular industries.....   3.726     105.9      106.1       2.9       0.0       0.3       0.2       0.2
73               Metalworking machinery..............................   0.626      99.6       99.5      -1.3      -0.7      -0.7       0.3      -0.1
74               General industrial machinery,
                        equipment, & parts, n.e.s....................   4.748     105.3      105.3       2.6       0.1       0.3       0.1       0.0
75               Computer equipment and office machines..............   5.473      86.5       86.4      -1.6      -1.6      -0.7      -0.1      -0.1
76               Telecommunications & sound recording
                        & reproducing apparatus & equipment..........   3.367      90.7       90.7      -2.8      -0.2      -0.3      -0.9       0.0
77               Electrical machinery and equipment..................  11.237      88.2       88.1      -1.5      -0.5       0.1      -0.1      -0.1
78               Road vehicles.......................................   8.832     102.7      102.7       1.3       0.1       0.1       0.2       0.0

8          MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURED ARTICLES.......................  11.213     101.2      101.2       0.5      -0.1       0.1       0.2       0.0
82               Furniture and parts thereof.........................   0.639     102.9      102.9       0.3      -0.2       0.3       0.3       0.0
84               Articles of apparel and clothing accessories........   0.865      97.0       96.9       0.1       0.0       0.0       0.1      -0.1
87               Professional, scientific and controlling
                        instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.............   4.236     101.9      101.8      -0.4      -0.1      -0.3       0.2      -0.1
88               Photographic apparatus, equipment and
                        supplies and optical goods, n.e.s............   0.964      96.0       96.1       1.8      -0.2       0.8       0.7       0.1
89               Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s..........   4.120     102.2      102.3       1.1      -0.2       0.4       0.2       0.1
      2/   Other miscellaneous manufactured articles.................   0.390     108.0      108.0       2.9       1.2       0.1       0.3       0.0

     1   Relative importance figures are based on 2002 trade values.
     2   Product categories included in this group have been modified due to concordance or coverage limitations.

     NOTES:   Data may be revised in each of the three months after original publication.
              n.a.  Not available

Table of Contents

Last Modified Date: October 14, 2004


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U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
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