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Table 8 U.S. Import and Export Quarterly Price Indexes for Services

Table  8     U.S. Import and Export Quarterly Price Indexes and Percent Changes for Selected Categories of Services
                  September 2003-September 2004      2000=100, unless otherwise noted
                                                                            Index                             Percent Change

                                                                                           Annual              Quarterly
                                                           Trade                            Sept.     Sept.     Dec.     March      June
                        Description                        (Mil.                            2003      2003      2003      2004      2004
                                                             of      June     September      to        to        to        to        to
                                                          Dollars)   2004       2004        Sept.     Dec.     March      June      Sept.
                                                             1/                             2004      2003      2004      2004      2004


      Air Freight.......................................    4168     117.5      120.0        2.7      -1.6       1.9       0.3       2.1
             Europe (200312=100)........................    1407     107.9      112.1       n.a.      n.a.       6.0       1.8       3.9
             Asia.......................................    2329     108.6      109.3       -5.1      -4.2      -0.4      -1.3       0.6


      Air Freight.......................................    2836      99.1      100.3        5.5       0.3       1.8       2.1       1.2

    1   Trade dollar values are based on 2000 trade values.

    NOTES:  Data may be revised one quarter after original publication.
            n.a.  Not available

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Last Modified Date: October 14, 2004


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U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Division of International Prices
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Washington, DC 20212-0001

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