BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Country Commercial Guide

Hungary Country Commercial Guide FY2002
Image courtesy of Andrea Hajdu, former employee of U.S.Commercial Service Budapest. For contacting Ms. Hajdu pls send an e-mail to

International Copyright, U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service and the U.S. Department of State, 2003. All rights reserved outside the United States.


Prepared July 15, 2003

Released for the web: August 12, 2003


.Executive Summary

.Economic Trends And Outlook
..Major Trends and Outlook
..Principal Growth Sectors
..Government Role in the Economy
..Balance-of-Payments Situation
..Adequacy of Infrastructure
..Regional Economic Integration

.Political Environment
..Political Relationship with the United States
..Major Issues Affecting the Business Climate for American Products and Services
..Brief Synopsis of the Political System

.Marketing U.S. Products and Services
..Distribution and Sales Channels
..Use of Agents and Distributors
..Direct Marketing
..Forms of Business
..Joint Ventures/Licensing
..Steps to Establishing an Office
..Selling Factors/Techniques
..Advertising and Trade Promotion
..Pricing Issues
..Sales Service/Customer Support
..Selling to the Government
..Need for a Local Attorney/Accountant
..Performing Due Diligence/Checking Bona Fides of Banks/Agents/Customers

.Leading Sectors for U.S. Exports and Investment
..Best prospects for Exports of Non-Agricultural Products and Services
..Computers and Peripheral Equipment
..Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Products
..Automotive Parts and Supplies
..Energy Sector Equipment and Services
..Pollution Control Equipment and Services
..Architectural/Construction/Engineering Services
..Measuring and Scientific Equipment
..Medical Equipment & Healthcare Technology
..Security Equipment and Services
..Best Prospects for Agricultural Products:
...Soybean Meal
...Bovine Semen
...Poultry Breeding Stock
...Dried Fruits and Nuts, including Peanuts
..Significant Investment Opportunities

.Trade Regulations and Standards
..Trade Regulations and European Union Entry
..Customs Valuation
..Import Licenses
..Export Controls
..Import/Export Documentation Requirements
..Temporary Entry
..Labeling, Marking Requirements
..Prohibited Imports
..Standards - CE Marking
..Free Trade Zones/Warehouses
..Warranty Repair Imports

.Investment Climate
..Openness to Foreign Investment
..Conversion and Transfer Policies
..Expropriation and Compensation
..Dispute Settlement
..Performance Requirements/Incentives
..Right to Private Ownership and Establishment
..Protection of Property Rights
..Transparency of the Regulatory System
..Efficient Capital Markets and Portfolio Investment
..Political Violence
..Bilateral Investment Agreements
..OPIC and Other Investment Insurance Programs
..Foreign Trade Zones/Free Ports
..Foreign Direct Investment Statistics

.Trade and Project Financing
..Description of the Banking System
..U.S. Banks Operating in the Local Economy
..Commercial Banks with Correspondent U.S. Banking Relationships
..Availability of Financing
..Multilateral Development Banks and International Financial Institutions

.Business Travel
..Business Customs
..Travel Advisory, Visas and Work Permits
..Hungarian Holidays
..Business Travel Infrastructure

.Economic and Trade Statistics
..Country Data
..Domestic Economy
..Trade (U.S. Dollars)

.U.S. and Hungarian Contacts
..U.S. Embassy Personnel
..AmCham and Bilateral Business Councils
..Trade and Industry Associations
..Hungarian Government Offices
..U.S. Government Contacts

.The European Untion Before and After Expansion - Population and GDP charts, Map