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US Government Positions and Policies
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The United States supports the enlargement of the European Union and sees it as an opportunity to further the strides toward democracy and free markets being made throughout Central and Eastern Europe. As United States President George W. Bush noted: "When Europe grows in unity, Europe and America grow in security. When you integrate your markets and share a currency in the European Union, you are creating the conditions for security and common purpose. In all these steps, Americans do not see the rise of a rival, we see the end of old hostilities. We see the success of our allies and we applaud your progress."

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The Environment

Recently, U.S. President George W. Bush has unveiled several initiatives to cut power plant emissions, as well as a bold new strategy for addressing global climate change.

The Clear Skies Initiative: Cuts power plant emissions of the three worst air pollutants - nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and mercury - by 70 percent. The initiative will use a market-based approach.

Global Climate Change: Commits America to an aggressive strategy to cut greenhouse gas intensity by 18 percent over the next 10 years. The initiative also supports vital climate change and ensures that America's workers and citizens of the developing world are not unfairly penalized.
Statement of Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham Regarding United States Leadership on Global Climate Change New
February 13, 2004
Secretary Abraham has reiterated that the United States takes the issue of global climate change very seriously and is leading the world in investments to understand and address the problem.

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The President recognizes that HIV/AIDS is ravaging many poor countries, especially in Africa, and is strongly committed to fighting this disease:

In FY 2003, the President proposed $1.1 billion to help fight HIV/AIDS in the developing world - a 13 percent increase over FY 2002.

Last year the President pledged U.S. support for a Global Fund to fight HIV/other infectious diseases. To date the administration has committed $500 million to this fund and will work with Congress to increase this commitment.

In total, the Administration proposes spending over $16 billion in FY 2003 to combat HIV/AIDS around the globe.

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Science and Technology

The United States has long been the leader in innovation and technological invention. From Thomas Jefferson to Gordon Moore, American ingenuity has helped expand the nation's economy and increase our standard of living. Today more than ever before, technology development and individual enterprise are the critical drivers of economic growth both in the U.S. and around the world.

New technologies are revolutionizing the way we learn, work and play - all while improving our quality of life. Agricultural technologies are increasing crop yields while reducing the need to spray herbicides and insecticides on our foods and into our environment.

Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are generating new cures and treatments that help us live longer and healthier lives. Advances in health care have increased life expectancies, while CAT scans and MRIs, laser scalpels, endoscopes and blood-cleaning technologies make surgery safer, less invasive, and more precise.

Finally, high speed data networks known as broadband offer great potential to increase productivity, promote economic growth and revolutionize how we deliver health care.

President Bush believes that government has an important role to play in creating an environment in which innovators can generate new ideas and entrepreneurs can turn these ideas into new products, new companies, and new jobs.

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World Summit on Sustainable Development

Excerpts from the U.S. Vision Statement on the World Summit on Sustainable Development

We believe sustainable development begins at home and is supported by effective domestic policies, and international partnerships. Self-governing people prepared to participate in an open world marketplace are the very foundation of sustainable development. President Bush has emphasized that the hopes of all people, no matter where they live, lie in greater political and economic freedom, the rule of law, and good governance. These fundamental principles will generate and harness the human and financial resources needed to promote economic growth, a vibrant civil society, and environmental protection. Democracy and respect for human rights empower people to take charge of their own destinies. We pledge strong support for efforts to promote peace, security, and stability, and to enhance democracy, respect for human rights, open and transparent governance, and the rule of law.

The World Summit on Sustainable Development can take practical measures to enhance human productivity, reduce poverty and foster economic growth and opportunity together with environmental quality. We can strive together for freer and more open societies, thriving economies, health environments, and help developing countries integrate fully into the global economy to reap the benefits from international trade, investment, and cooperative partnerships.

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Electronic Publications

Electronic Journals:
The Journals examine major issues facing the United States and the international community. They provide analyses, commentary, and background information (additional reading, bibliography, useful Internet sites) on the topic. Although the Journals are published by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Information Programs, the opinions expressed in them do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Government.

Zoom In On America:
A monthly publication of the U.S. Missions to Poland and Hungary. It is designed mainly for younger audience. Top of the Page

IRC Newsletters

The Information Resource Center (IRC) of the U.S. Embassy Budapest produces newsletters on environment, health, economy and information technology. The newsletters contain various articles, U.S. think-tank publications and U.S. government documents on the related topic.

For further information on the IRC newsletters please contact:

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