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Sava River Basin Initiative


The Budapest HUB has been working with Hungary and the Sava River countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro and Slovenia, along with the Stability Pact, to help develop an international treaty and work plan to assist in restoring the Sava River. All four countries have agreed to cooperate in the River's clean-up and rehabilitation, which includes de-mining to make it navigable, planning for flood control and water quality management, as well as utilizing U.S. government and other expertise to ensure that all the countries will benefit economically from the Sava. This initiative provides a unique opportunity for the four countries to implement infrastructure investments that are needed for safety and economic principles.

In November 2001, the countries signed a Letter of Intent to work together to help restore the Sava, and asked the Stability Pact and the wider international community for assistance. The Interim Commission of the Sava River Basin (ICSB) was established in December 2002, and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) contributed funds to help pay for the Interim Secretariat, based at the Regional Environmental Center in Szentendre, Hungary. That same month, the International Framework Agreement was signed by the four countries, and the ICSB prepared an Action Plan that includes description of several projects and activities that have been put forth for consideration by the member countries for implementation by the ICSB.

In March 2003 at the Third Session of the ICSB in Novy Sad, it was decided that Zagreb would be the Permanent Seat of the Sava Commission, and that the Standing Committee's Secretariat during the first term of Office should be Serbia and Montenegro.

It was also agreed that a mission to the Sava countries would be jointly organized and executed by consultants of the Dutch and U.S. projects. Consequently, USAID's Regional Infrastructure Program (RIP) is working in close coordination with Dutch-funded integrated water management project.

Looking to the Future

During the Fourth Session of the Interim Commission of the Sava River Basin at Stubicke Toplice (Croatia) in December 2003, two Strategic Working Groups were established. The Strategic Group for Navigation was formed to address projects and issues dealing with ports, waterways, infrastructure and navigational safety. The Strategic Group for Sustainable Water Management was also organized to address water quality, accident prevention and control, flood prevention, aquatic ecosystems protection, integrated river basin management and GIS. The International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River Basin (ICPDR)/GEF has also pledged support for the pilot management plan in the Sava River Basin.

By the Fifth Session of the ICSB in Belgrade in June 2004, all four countries had ratified the Agreement, announced it with great fanfare to the media and declared June 1 as the "First Annual Sava River Day," to be celebrated in concert from now on - with the view to using the Sava River Agreement, and the new Commission, as the springboard for further cooperation in other areas of economic development, as well.

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The Budapest Hub Hosted Dr. Paul Jennings from the National Science Foundation as a "Scientist in Residence"

The Budapest Hub hosted Dr. Jennings in Budapest from November 2002 until February 2003. He holds a PhD in Organic Chemistry.

Hosting a working scientist is an important way to advance the Hub's priorities, as well as Mission priorities on environment, science, technology and health issues. The Hub intends to bring in another Science Fellow soon.

Dr. Jennings is now back at the NSF ( and is currently the Program Director at the Division of Graduate Education. He was previously engaged in chemistry, both as a program officer, professor and researcher.

When he was in Budapest, Dr. Jennings focused on areas related to:

  • The interaction between industry and academy institutions and universities that might lead to effective partnerships.

  • Enhanced further interaction and cooperation between U.S. and Hungarian scientists.

  • Facilitated workforce development at the PhD education level through partnerships and collaborations.

Dr. Jennings continues to work on U.S. and Central European scientific cooperation from Washington, D.C. Embassy Budapest appreciates the fine job he did here.

For further information please contact the Budapest Hub at:

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