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Ordering Data
There are several ways to search for and order Landsat 7 data.

Note: As of March 31, 2004, Landsat 7 ETM+ data will no longer be available for search and order through the LP DAAC and the EOS Data Gateway (EDG). Although the method of data access will change, there will be no other change to the processing, format, or other details of the previous products. Level 1 and Level 0 products that were previously available through the EDG will now be accessed through Earth Explorer or Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis). For more information, see: Landsat 7 ETM+ Dataset Transition.

Earth Explorer
Earth Explorer is a search and order tool for accessing satellite products, aerial photographs, and cartographic products distributed by the U.S. Geological Survey.

The USGS Global Visualization Viewer ("GloVis") is a browse-based search and order tool that allows user-friendly access to a mosaic image display of the Landsat 7 (ETM+), Landsat 4/5 (TM), and Landsat 1-5 (MSS) USGS archives.

EOS Data Gateway (until March 31, 2004)
The EOS Data Gateway (EDG) is a cooperative effort between the IMS system level coordination/development team and the DAAC software development teams. The ultimate goal of the EOS Data Gateway system is to facilitate earth science research through improved access to data. The EOS Data Gateway supports searches from multiple EOS data sources across multiple Data Active Archive Centers (DAAC). These data sources include Landsat 7, MODIS and ASTER. Landsat 7 data purchased through the EOS Data Gateway are processed through the Level 1 Product Generation System (LPGS).

Landsat 7 International Ground Stations
Landsat 7 collects many scenes for locations outside the U.S. that are not archived or distributed by the USGS EROS Data Center. These scenes must be purchased directly from the individual Landsat 7 International Ground Stations. Data prices, formats, and/or processing options may vary according to the data provider.

For information on USGS Landsat 7 data prices, available formats, levels of correction, and bulk pricing policy, see USGS/EROS Data Center Landsat 7 Product Description.
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