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  Human Resources


Mission Statement

To provide customer-focused consultant and technical services in the areas of human resource management, diversity, and civil rights in support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service mission.

Related Links

Use the navigation buttons at the top of this page to link to other pages at this Web Site, or use the following links to jump to related Web Sites.

Oak leaf bulletNew Employee Orientation

Oak leaf bullet What's New?

Oak leaf bullet 2004 Health Benefits Open Season 2004 Plan Comparison Guide

Oak leaf bullet Long Term Care Insurance

Oak leaf bullet Professional Liability Insurance (RO No. 113 w/amendments)

Oak leaf bullet Employee Investigation Price List

Oak leaf bullet Employee Express

Oak leaf bullet DOI Quick Facts

Oak leaf bulletDOI Personnel Manager (Guidelines)

Oak leaf bulletWork Life Initiatives

Oak leaf bullet U.S. Fish & Wildlife Directives

Oak leaf bulletU.S. Code and the Code of Federal Regulations

Oak leaf bulletNational Conservation Training Center (NCTC) Info

Oak leaf bulletMerit System Protection Board Appeal System

Oak leaf bulletFederal Health Benefits

Oak leaf bulletPayroll

Oak leaf bulletNew Employee Orientation

Oak leaf bulletDepartment of Interior (DOI) Ethics

Oak leaf bulletEqual Employment Opportunity

Retirement Links

Oak leaf bulletSocial Security

Oak leaf bulletOffice of Personnel Management

Oak leaf bulletNational Assoc. of Retired Federal Employees

Oak leaf bulletThrift Savings Plan (TSP)

Career Transition Links

Oak leaf bulletBureau of Labor Statistics

Oak leaf bulletFederal Transition Page

Oak leaf bulletEmployment and Training Administration

Oak leaf bulletAmerica's Career Infonet

Oak leaf bulletAmerica's Learning Exchange

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