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Leadership for a Democratic Society
Global Context

Russia After Yeltsin: Challenges For East and West

Faculty: Gordon B. Smith

Overview: As Boris Yeltsin's second term comes to an end, Russia faces perhaps the most critical moment in the democratization process?the peaceful, constitutional transfer of power from one elected leader to another. How well the new Russian political system handles this transfer of power and the longer-range prospects for democratic and economic development in Russia will depend, to a large degree, on the patterns and processes of state-building undertaken during Yeltsin's eight-year reign. This course will explore the stages and common problems Russia and other transitional states of the former U.S.S.R. have encountered and the ways in which their attempts to democratize have differed. Topics will include: the mobilization of formerly passive citizenry; the formation of parties and interest groups; the creation of new political institutions; the problem of delineating legislative, executive and judicial powers; the dangers of regional fragmentation and ethnic cleavages; and the difficulties of privatizing government-owned industries. Finally, we will discuss the implications of these developments for U.S. foreign policy.

Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the common stages and processes of development of constitutional, democratic societies and market economies
  • Differentiate the states of Central Europe and the former U.S.S.R. in terms of the pace and/or paths of political and economic development
  • Compare and contrast the process of democratic development in these countries with the experience of other countries (e.g. Latin America and the United States)
  • Analyze case studies and to present briefings on selected topics relating to aspects of privatization of the economy and ethnic conflicts
  • Draft a constitution for a nation attempting to make the transition from an authoritarian state to a democratic state
  • Consider various modes of political forecasting and risk assessment

Teaching Format : The course will be taught with a mix of formats and utilizing a variety of exercises to illustrate points, to enhance the range of learning objectives for participants, and to break up the class routine. Each session will include discussion and lecture; the course will also incorporate a videotaped program; an exercise of drafting a constitution for a country in the region; analysis of case studies; presentation of briefings on selected cases of ethnic conflict; and presentation of a team project on some aspect of U.S. policy toward a selected country based on each participant's career experience.

Advance Preparation : One or two brief topical readings for each class session are included in the course manual.

Learning Approach Percent Time
Lecture/discussion 25
Question/answer 10
Case studies 20
Team exercises 20
Viewing video 15
Homework 10

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FEI: The Federal Executive Institute in Charllottesville, Virginia EMDC: The Executive Management Development Center in Shepherdstown, WV The Western Management Development Center in Denver, CO
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    Last modified on February 5, 2004