Link: NOAA Forecast Research Division Link: Forecast Systems Lab
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The Forecast Research Division (FRD) is home to most of the research in FSL on the following topics:

  • Short-range numerical weather prediction (NWP)
  • Development of advanced modeling and data assimilation techniques
  • Diagnostic studies of mesoscale weather phenomena from field projects
  • Environmental applications of NWP models

Produced in real time at frequent intervals on national and local scales, these analyses and forecasts are valuable to commercial aviation, civilian and military weather forecasting, the energy industry, regional air pollution prediction, and emergency preparedness.

FRD Organization

Link: Development of Advanced Modeling
Development of Advanced Modeling


Link: Data Assimilation Techniques Data Assimilation Techniques
  • Advanced data assimilation techniques
  • New methods for mesoscale initialization using remotely sensed data
  • Variation assimilation of new satellite products in models


Link: Applications of Numerical Weather Prediction Models Applications of Numerical Weather Prediction Models


External Link: Working Group on Space-Based Lidar Winds
Image credit to Dr. Pierre Flamant of Huntsville Atmospheric Science USRA
Development and Use of Advanced Observations


Link: Diagnostic Studies of Mesoscale Processes Diagnostic Studies of Mesoscale Processes
  • Potential vorticity streamers
  • Gravity wave and unbalanced flow dynamics
  • Diagnostic forecasting of turbulence, icing, ceiling & visibility
  • Mesoscale dynamics
Link: Collaborations and Customers Collaborations and Customers
  • Customers: operational forecast centers (NCEP, AFWA, Etc.) aviation, emergency management
  • Major contributor to community WRF model development and evaluation
  • Partnering in joint scientific studies with other research groups
  • Participation in joint field studies


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FRD Webmaster | Last modified: 01-Mar-2004