Accessing Real-Time Rapid Update Cycle Data

    NWS/NCEP Office Note 388 - GRIB / NCEP output grid information - available at

    Updated November 2002

    Main RUC/MAPS homepage

    RUC grids are available from two sources:

    There are three sections to this document:

    1. ftp access via the NWS TG Server
    2. Access via the Family of Services
    3. Fields available from the TG server

    Information on GRIB available at these web sites:

    1. ftp Access via the TG server

    The Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) output is available on the National Weather Service's TG file server. For more information on the TG server, see

    Type in the following:



    account: anonymous
    password: your email address

    Once you're in:

    cd /SL.us008001/ST.opnl to get to a directory for all NCEP operational cycles for the last day.

    Next, cd MT.ruc_CY.hh where hh is the hour of the initial time. There is a separate directory for each hourly cycle. From this point, for instance, cd MT.ruc_CY.12 for the 1200 UTC cycle. Sorry, you're not quite there yet; still two more subdirectory levels to go:

    cd RD.yyyymmdd where yyyy is the year, and mmdd is the month/date of month.

    cd PT.grid_DF.gr1

    The entire path for grids is /SL.us008001/ST.opnl/MT.ruc_CY.hh/RD.yyyymmdd/PT.grid_DF.gr1

    Different types of grids (20km/40km fields in each file listed here ) are then in different directories. All of these files are in GRIB format:

    File name convention 
         #### is the file name extension as listed above, e.g., sgrib20
         hhhh is the forecast projection hour (or 'anal' for analysis)

    The entire path for BUFR sounding data is /SL.us008001/ST.opnl/MT.ruc_CY.hh/RD.yyyymmdd/PT.sndn_DF.buf

    Output times available and when available

    The RUC output is generally available on the TG server at the following times:

    2. RUC Grid Access via the Family of Services

    The RUC is also available from the National Weather Service via the Family of Services. This is a service which must be subscribed to for a fee. Some current subscribers include WSI, Kavouras, and Accu-Weather. This service is maintained by the Office of Systems Operations (OSO). NCEP puts the proper headers on the GRIB files and sends it to the National Weather Service Telecommunications Gateway. There, a switching directory maintained by OSO directs it to the proper location.

    3. List of contents of RUC files available from the Rapid Update Cycle

    20-km/40-km grids

    Click here for list of 20/40-km grid output variables in each file

    80-km AWIPS 211 grid format

    These files are created every three hours (8 times per day). Separate files are created for the analysis , and forecasts outputs at 1,2,3,6,9,12 hours. The grid is a 93 X 65 80 km Lambert-Conformal grid. Only points within the RUC grid domain are given values. Each file contains the following (exceptions are noted):

    Isobaric levels: (37 levels) every 25 mb 1000 - 100 mb

    relative humidity
    u and v wind components

    Mean sea level

    pressure (MAPS reduction method, Benjamin and Miller 1990, Monthly Weather Review)

    Tropopause level

    potential temperature
    u and v wind components

    Maximum wind level

    u and v wind components

    Freezing level

    relative humidity

    Layers near ground (0-30 mb, 60-90 mb, 150-180 mb above ground)

    relative humidity
    u and v wind components


    10 m u and v wind components
    2 m relative humidity
    2 m temperature
    1 hr accumulation non-convective precipitation (fcst files only)
    1 hr accumulation convective precipitation (fcst files only)
    1 hr accumulation total precipitation (fcst files only)
    3 hr accumulation non-convective precipitation (3,6,9,12 hr fcst files only)
    3 hr accumulation convective precipitation
    (3,6,9,12 hr fcst files only)
    3 hr accumulation total precipitation (3,6,9,12 hr fcst files only)
    instantaneous precipitation rate (fcst files only)