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ESDCD News Home > GSFC Video Featured in Computer Animation Festival

Images from "The Edge of History" (Image credit: SVS).

Images from "The Edge of History."
(Image credit: SVS)

Scientific Visualization Studio

GSFC Video Featured in Computer Animation Festival

“The Edge of History,” a 2-minute GSFC video production, was featured in the Computer Animation Festival for SIGGRAPH 2004, the 31st International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques. Selected for the festival’s premier event, the Electronic Theater, the video includes numerous Earth science visualizations produced by groups at GSFC such as Public Affairs, the Visualization Analysis Lab, Earth Observatory, and ESDCD’s Scientific Visualization Studio (SVS).  This marks the first time an SVS effort has appeared in the Electronic Theater.

“The Electronic Theater is the most prestigious juried venue for computer graphics.  It is the Academy Awards for our field,” says SVS Manager Horace Mitchell.  “We’re in there with excellent talent— individual filmmakers, university computer graphics and art graduate programs, and the best film and television computer graphics companies.”

Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH (Association for Computing Machinery/Special Interest Group in Computer Graphics), SIGGRAPH 2004 was held in Los Angeles from August 8-12 and brought together 27,825 computer graphics and interactive technology professionals from 6 continents.  The Computer Animation Festival, an internationally recognized event, is considered by many to be the highlight of the conference.  Pieces are selected for their creative merit in both computer-generated imagery and storytelling.  This year, 83 projects were selected from a record 643 entities.  Of the 83 selections, 30 were selected for the Electronic Theater.

Appearing alongside the likes of “Shrek 2,” “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King,” and “Spider-Man 2,” “The Edge of History” illustrates how the Earth science disciplines are crossing the threshold of a new era. By using scientific visualizations, the video seeks to increase the public’s understanding of and enthusiasm about Earth science by showing how space-based data collection plays a principal role in cutting-edge research. 

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Authorizing NASA Official: Dr. Richard Rood, GSFC, Code 930
Curators: NCCS User Services (301-286-9120)
Masthead image credit: NASA/GSFC, SVS

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