
Department of Health and Human Services


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The returned pages contain the keyword/s you searched for. After clicking on the page, hit "Ctrl-F" and type in the keyword again to find its exact location on the page.

Search Tips:

Word(s) entered this way: Will be searched in a way that:
meet Finds the word meet. Google searches for exactly the words that are entered.
"meeting room" Finds the exact phrase "meeting room" -- No variations.
research bioethics opportunity Finds the pages that contain all of the words research, bioethics, and opportunity. Google automatically does the AND so inserting AND between the words is not necessary.
brain OR tumor Finds either the word brain or tumor. Notice - The OR must be in upper case.
brain -tumor Finds the word brain when it does not occur with tumor. The hyphen excludes documents that contain the word tumor.
hyper* Google does not use "stemming" or "wildcard" searches. Try entering the complete word.
brain AND tumor Finds the words brain and tumor. Google does this automatically so the AND is not necessary.

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