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Current Projects

FY2003 - Q04


Standard Projects (FSL)

Developmental Projects (FSL)

North American Observation System (NAOS) Projects

Standard Projects (Non-FSL)

Developmental Projects (Non-FSL)


Standard Projects (FSL)

Air Pollution Forecasting
Taiwan CWB Local NWP
IHOP Simulations
Joint Modeling Test Bed
FHWA Maintenance Decision Support System
LAPS Real-Time, Diabatically Initialized MM5
NREL Wind Study
Pacific Landfalling Jets Experiment
RUC profiler OSSE
Regional Climate and Hydrology Simulations
RUC Development
RUC IHOP Forecasts
RUC-Short Range Ensemble Forecast System
USFS Rocky Mountain Fire Weather Modeling Center
Water In All Phases
Next Generation Air Quality Prediction
WRF Model Development Testing & Evaluation
WRF Development with LAPS
MADIS Support for WRF Data Assimilation



Developmental Projects (FSL)

Quasi-NonHydrostatic Model

North American Observation System (NAOS) Projects

Regional Lidar OSSE Experiment


Standard Projects (Non-FSL)

Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Observations
Properties of Stock-Production Models
All-Weather Microwave Radiance Assimilation
Coastal Coupled Air-Sea Modeling
Regional Climate Impact & Air Quality Experiments
Global CO2 Assimilation and Flux Estimates
Climate and Role of the Thermohaline Circulation
Coastal Remote Sensing
Developmental Testbed Center
ENSO and Beyond
Studies of Pacific ENSO Variability
Toward an Improved Seasonal Prediction
Mesoscale ensemble Forecast
MMAP Hydrodynamic Model Development
NCAR WRF High-Resolution Forecasts
Nested Ocean Models for the Northeast Pacific
Reanalysis Without Radiosondes
Re-Forecasting with the MRF Ensemble
Regional Environmental Modeling
Stratosphere-Troposphere Exhcange Study
Predict Seasonal to Decadal Stormtrack Anomalies
2000 Texas Air Quality Study
WRF Simulations of MCS Rainfall


Developmental Projects (Non-FSL)

Implementation of the GFDL AM2 Model at CDC
CWB Procurement Support
THORPEX Data Assimilation using NCEP & GFDL Models
ETL Cloud Model Conversion
Great Lakes Regional Coupled Modeling
Regional Atmospheric Modeling and DA System
Seasonal Climate Diagnostics Project
NCAR WRF Test and Benchmark



Implementation of the GFDL AM2 Model at CDC


Principal Investigator:
Robert Pincus
Climate Diagnostics Center
Project Type:
Project Description:
We will be bringing the global atmospheric model and associated infrastructure (the Flexible Modeling System) developed at GFDL to CDC. The development effort will be aimed at getting the model up and running in parallel on a Beowulf cluster. We anticipate some amount of back and forth with GFDL as we try to get the model to run in a new environment, but this activity will be useful to other NOAA labs and to the academic community. We have had an active development project for almost a year but have not used any resources, since GFDL has not been able to produce a model that compiles on Intel platforms. Once they've produced such a model we should be able to accomplish our goals fairly quickly. Researchers in CDC and elsewhere will apply separately for resources to do production runs.
Authorized Users:
Robert PincusCecile Hannay


Air Pollution Forecasting


Principal Investigator:
Georg Grell
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
Provide real-time air pollution (ozone and particulate matter) forecasts during summer and fall (June-September 2004) using the fully-coupled WRF-chemistry model for the New England Air Quality Study. This project will also require rerunning summer of 2002 (July 1 - Sept. 1) as well as 2004 (July 1 - September 1) for model evaluation and comparison purposes. Produce real-time air pollution (ozone and particulate matter) forecasts during winter and spring (October through May) for the evaluation of the particulate matter forecast.
Authorized Users:
Georg GrellMariusz PagowskiSteven Peckham


Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Observations


Principal Investigator:
Jian-Wen Bao
Environmental Technology Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
To carry out numerical simulations using a coupled weather-radiative transfer model for the purpose of development and improvement of the assimilation algorithms of satellite-borne microwave measurement of cloud microphysics.
Authorized Users:
Jian-Wen BaoSara A. Michelson


Properties of Stock-Production Models


Principal Investigator:
Michael Prager
Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research
Project Type:
Project Description:
Fish stock assessments often use "stock-production models," simple models of population biomass over time and the population's repsonse to exploitation. For example, such models are used in international assessments of tunas, marlins, and swordfish. This project is a simulation study to compare several forms of stock-population model on a wide variety of simulated data. Because we will examine so many simulated population types and error structures, the computation exceeds that feasible on small workstations. It is expected that the results will be quite significant to the science and practice of fish population dynamics and fishery management.
Authorized Users:
Michael PragerErik Williams


All-Weather Microwave Radiance Assimilation


Principal Investigator:
Albin Gasiewski
Environmental Technology Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
The goal of this project is to develop the fast Jacobian and adjoint codes necessary to directly assimilate satellite microwave radiances into NOAA operational numerical weather prediction models under all weather conditions. This goal follows from one of the mandates of the NOAA-NASA Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation, that is, full use of current and future NOAA and NPOESS satellite data. A related (secondary) goal is to develop OSSE's for proposed NOAA Geostationary Microwave (GEM) Sounder/Imager.
Authorized Users:
Ron RichterBob WeberTim Schneider
 Alex VoronovichMarian KleinAl Gasiewski
 William OttoDean Smith


Coastal Coupled Air-Sea Modeling


Principal Investigator:
Jian-Wen Bao
Environmental Technology Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
To use the ETL regional coupled air-sea modeling system for studies of physical processes involved in the coastal air-sea interaction associated with severe weather events such as hurricanes and landfalling extratropical storms.
Authorized Users:
Jian-Wen BaoSara A. Michelson


Regional Climate Impact & Air Quality Experiments


Principal Investigator:
Julian XL Wang
Air Resources Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
Contemporary climate trends raise concerns that future weather and climatic extremes may be more damaging and that air quality will deteriorate. The objective of this project is to provide credible information on regional climatic and air quality, including their variability, change and impact, as a scientific basis for decision makers to select optimal pathways to achieve future economic, societal and environmental goals, for example in the mid-Atlantic region. In collaboration with the Illinois State Water Survey/UIUC the PSU/NCAR MM5 model has been modified to incorporate the physical parameterizations essential for climatic simulations, especially those of NCAR CCM4-embedded cloud-radiation and surface-air interactions. The system will be adapted to the WRF model once it is released. The air quality model is based on recently improved version of the Models-3(EPA), i.e., SAQM(SUNYA). Our tasks are 1) to downscale GCM climate simulations, such as from CCM3 and NCEP models, and compare to observations on regional scale for variability and extremes; 2) to simulate the surface ozone and particle levels within the domain, a forecast and data assimilation capability for air quality parameters will be developed; and 3) based on 1) and 2), to perform scenario experiments to study potential impacts to changing climate and air quality on regional scales.
Authorized Users:
Julian XL WangLi LiXin-Zhong Liang
 J.P. PanJ.H. ZhuH. Liu


Global CO2 Assimilation and Flux Estimates


Principal Investigator:
Lori Bruhwiler
Climate Monitoring & Diagnostics Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
This project will involve use of global atmospheric transport model driven by analyzed winds, measurements of CO2, and an assimilation procedure to estimate the global budget of CO2 on continental, ocean basin and regional scales.
Authorized Users:
Lori BruhwilerWouter Peters


Climate and Role of the Thermohaline Circulation


Principal Investigator:
Sang-Ik Shin
Climate Diagnostics Center
Project Type:
Project Description:
We propose to investigate the role played by the oceanic thermohaline circulation (THC) in natural climate variablility. The paleoclimate record shows indications of changes in the rate of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) formation accompanying rapid climate transitions, with weaker overturning usually associated with colder periods, and stronger overturning being related to warmer periods. However, the effect of large THC variations of the global climate is still unclear. Numerical model simulations seem to yield contrasting results, and the processes that may be responsible for far-field effects of overturning variability have not been fully explored. We will use a state-of-the-art coupled climate system model, the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Climate System Model version 2 (NCAR CCSM2), to assess the possible large scale impact of significant variations in the strength of the meridional overturning, to examine phase relationships among changes occurring at different locations or among different components of the climate system, and to identify the physical processes responsible for the large-scale pattern of variablility that may be important in the understanding, attribution, and prediction of future climate change. To investigate the role of the oceanic THC in natural climate variability, we propose 1,000 year fully coupled model simulation, which encompass the full overturning cycle in the ocean. It is known that the timescale of the oceanic thermohaline circulation is about several hundred to a thousand years. By completing a 1,000 year simulation, we anticipate several referred journal articles from the proposed project. Besides our interest, the proposed simulation will produce benchmarking data, which can be used in various climate variability studies of timescales ranging from seasonal to millennial.
Authorized Users:
Sank-Ik ShinPrashant SardeshmukhRobert Webb
 Joseph Barsugli


Coastal Remote Sensing


Principal Investigator:
Richard Stumpf
Project Type:
Project Description:
We are processing SeaWiFS data from an HDF format to a raw binary file format. We will also be improving on absorbing aerosols and atmospheric corrections for the satellite data. Currently we have the entire SeaWiFS achieve for the continental U.S. (nearly 7 years and growing) on hand, and occasionally need to reprocess the data, as improvements are made on various algorithms and calibrations.
Authorized Users:
Varis RansibramanakulRichard StumpfTimothy Wynne


Taiwan CWB Local NWP


Principal Investigator:
Brent Shaw
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
Real-time and retrospective runs of the MM5 forecast model, and potentially the WRF model, will be performed as part of our ongoing collaboration with the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau (CWB). We are tasked and funded for technology transition of the hot-started MM5 and need to be able to perform routine runs for diagnostic, and tuning of the delivered system.
Authorized Users:
Brent ShawSteve AlbersJohn Smart


CWB Procurement Support


Principal Investigator:
Jyh-Wen Hwu
Taiwain Central Weather Bureau
Project Type:
Project Description:
Dan Schaffer and I will be doing small benchmarking runs in support of our procurement process
Authorized Users:
Jyh-Wen HwuDan SchafferEric Lin


Developmental Testbed Center


Principal Investigator:
Louisa Nance
Project Type:
Project Description:
The goal of the DTC is to facilitate the transition of new NWP and data assimilation research capabilities into an efficient and effective weather forecasting process. The initial focus of DTC efforts will be extensive testing of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model. The performance of various configurations of WRF will be evaluated through case studies, retrospective periods, and fully-cycled, real-time forecasts. This testing will be carried out by the staff of the DTC, as well as visitors from the research and operational communities. Results of the testing will be used to make recommendations to the operational forecast centers (e.g., NCEP, AFWA) on which new methods to consider for pre-implementation testing. The extensive testing required to reach our goal will require substantial computational resources. We are looking to FSL's HPCS to fulfill a significant portion of this need. We are hoping this request for a Developmental Project will lead to an ongoing DTC allocation on FSL's HPCS for future testing activities that will be underway this summer.
Authorized Users:
Louisa NanceWilliam (Bill) GallusIsidora Jankov
 David DempseyYing Lin


ENSO and Beyond


Principal Investigator:
Joseph Barsugli
Climatic Diagnostics Center
Project Type:
Project Description:
We propose to systematically investigate the dependence of global temperature, precipitation and circulation anomalies on the location of sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies throughout the Tropics. In particular, we will generate and analyze a large ensemble of coupled Atmospheric General Circulation (AGCM)/ocean mixed-layer model runs with localized SST anomalies in the tropics. In addition, we will investigate the atmospheric feedbacks which either maintain or destroy SST anomailies themselves.
Authorized Users:
Sang-Ik ShinPrashant.D.Sardeshmukh


THORPEX Data Assimilation using NCEP & GFDL Models


Principal Investigator:
Jeff Whitaker
Climate Diagnostics Center
Project Type:
Project Description:
NOAA has funded an intercomparison of different ensemble data assimilation techniques under the THORPEX program. For this intercomparison, the observations assimilated in the NCEP GFS system will be assimilated into three different ensemble data assimilation systems developed at CDC, NCAR and the University of Maryland. Forecasts run from these analyses will be compared with each other, and with the operational NCEP forecasts. The CDC algorithm (the Ensemble Square Root Filter, described in the May 2004 issue of Monthly Weather Review) has already been developed on Jet as part of another project (REANL). The purpose of this project will be to perform a 100 member ensemble data assimilation run using observations for January and February 2004. We will use both the latest version of the NCEP GFS model and the latest version of the GFDL atmospheric model, run at 2 degree resolution. Both the forecast models and the data assimilation code are parallel codes which use MPI.
Authorized Users:
Jeff Whitaker (whitaker)Xue Wei (wei)both are current active
 jet users.


Studies of Pacific ENSO Variability


Principal Investigator:
Chunzai Wang
Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
This project is funded by the CLIVAR-Pacific Program of NOAA/OGP. Proposed are diagnostic and numerical modeling studies of Pacific ENSO variability. The emphasis will be roles of the western Pacific patterns in ENSO relative to other ENSO mechanisms. Oceanic GCM experiments will be performed to study the western Pacific anomaly patterns. We are interested in how the western Pacific anomaly patterns are produced based on GCM experiments. The goals of this project are to improve our understanding of ENSO and help improve ENSO predictions by studying the western Pacific anomaly patterns.
Authorized Users:
Chunzai WangSang-ki Lee


ETL Cloud Model Conversion


Principal Investigator:
Graham Feingold
Environmental Technology Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
Development and demonstration of the utility of the ETL cloud model for addressing process-level details (i.e., microphysics) of aerosol-cloud interactions. Current RAMS based model is too slow on single processor systems. Required work cannot be accomplished unless the model can be made to run at least 10 times faster. A parallel version may accomplish this and allow the work to be done in a timely manner.
Authorized Users:
Ronald RichterWilliam OttoGraham Feingold


Great Lakes Regional Coupled Modeling


Principal Investigator:
Brent Lofgren
Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
This project is to port long-term climate simulations of the Laurentian Great Lakes basin to the parallel computing environment, using the Coupled Hydrosphere-Atmosphere Research Model (CHARM), which is based on RAMS. This is reviving a project that was submitted to FSL/Jet about two years ago, but languished because of improper knowledge and personnel. At this point, we have already taken several of the necessary steps, including demonstrating that the code successfully runs on an 8-node Beowulf cluster located at Michigan State University. We anticipate success in demonstrating that it runs successfully on iJet, possibly before the stated end date of the developmental project. Following that, we anticipate application runs of CHARM, involving elevated concentrations of greenhouse gases and scenarios of land use change in the Great Lakes basin.
Authorized Users:
Brent LofgrenTavares Ford




Principal Investigator:
Brent Shaw
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
Post-experiment reruns of 6-hourly MM5 and WRF models, initialized with LAPS, from 15 May 2002 to 26 June 2002.
Authorized Users:
Brent ShawDaniel BirkenheuerSteve Albers
 Paul Schultz


IHOP Simulations


Principal Investigator:
Mariusz Pagowski
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
Simulations of bores observed during IHOP using MM5/WRF/ARPS.
Authorized Users:
Mariusz PagowskiJian-Wen Bao


Toward an Improved Seasonal Prediction


Principal Investigator:
Xiao-Wei Quan
Climate Diagnostics Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
The project aims to produce a dataset of atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) runs which can be used to improve our seasonal forecasts for climate variations over North America. These experimental predictions have been used by NOAA's Climate Prediction Center (CPC) as an important source of guidance for the official climate forecasts since March 2001. The proposed project will involve running a suite of long-term (50 years) integrations of the global AGCM used operationally at NCEP to create 10-member ensemble of the AGCM integrations forced with observed evolution of sea surface temperature (SST) since 1950. The data will be used as input to our experimental statistical/dynamic prediction tool (http://www.cdc.noaa.gov/seasonalfcsts/). Application of the prediction tool will allow us to provide CPC with estimates of hown the AGCM would respond to different SST predictions in near real-time.
Authorized Users:
Xiao-Wei QuanJeffrey Whitaker


Joint Modeling Test Bed


Principal Investigator:
Jacques Middlecoff
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
The JMT is a new effort being established within the structure of the National Test Bed Activity under the Numerical Weather Prediction Theme. The mission of the JMT is to alloW rapid and efficient transfer of research gains in high-resolution numerical modeling, data assimilation techniques, and assimilation of new observations to operational centers. The JMT will be located at the David Skaggs Research Center (DSRC) and will use computer resources of FSL. New ideas will be acquired in the form of research code which will then be ported and reconfigured for testing within the JMT computer environment. The JMT will mimic NCEP operations including data ingest and output compatibility to allow new code to be tested in a quasi-operational environment. New code will also be tested using selected retrospective data sets and well-established community standards. The JMT staff will prepare reports addressing the performance capabilities of the tested code and the suitability of the code for operations. Once the code is accepted, documentation and training materials will be prepared for the operational staff. The initial effort in setting up the JMT is two-fold: validation of the jet system at DSRC and initial set up of the infrastructure to begin running the WRF model. The concern for jet serving as a suitable proxy for the operational (NCEP, AFWA) systems warrants a comparative test and the initial efforts will be aimed at bringing the operational Eta Verification System (EVS) to certify hardware. This work will require close coordination of NCEP and FSL activities. Once certification is complete, work will focus on getting the current operational Eta, EDAS and EVS running and establishing a month-long retrospective data set for test and evaluation.
Authorized Users:
Jacques MiddlecoffHui-ya ChuangLeslie Hart
 Stephen Gilbert


FHWA Maintenance Decision Support System


Principal Investigator:
Paul Schultz
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
Ensemble of mesoscale model runs. Configuration changes according to which client we are supporting. Typically, model outputs are transmitted in real time to NCAR/RAP.
Authorized Users:
Paul SchultzBrent ShawJohn McGinley
 Jared R. L. Seehafer


Mesoscale ensemble Forecast


Principal Investigator:
Jian-Wen Bao
Environmental Technology Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
To evaluate different approaches to generating meteorological mesoscale ensemble forecasts for environmental predictions using the coupled MM5-chemistry model.
Authorized Users:
Jian-Wen BaoSara A. Michelson


LAPS Real-Time, Diabatically Initialized MM5


Principal Investigator:
Brent Shaw
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
Real-time runs of MM5 forecast Model using LAPS diabatic initialization. These runs are provided to the Denver-Boulder NWS forecast office for evaluation. Additionally, verification statistics from these runs are used to assess forecast quality improvements due to changes in the LAPS analysis system over time.
Authorized Users:
Brent ShawPaul SchultzSteve Albers
 Dan Birkenheuer


MMAP Hydrodynamic Model Development


Principal Investigator:
Edward Myers
NOS - Coast Survey Development Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
Currently the NOS/OCS/CSDL/Marine Modeling and Analysis Program develops hydrodynamic models for a number of estuaries currently including Port of NY, Galveston Bay, Chesapeake Bay, and the St. Johns River in FL. Currently SGI's are the staple computing resource for our group, and we are ready to begin utilizing cluster computing for future model development and operation.
Authorized Users:
Jacobo FreireichTom GrossJohn Kelley
 Dick SchmalzEugene WeiEd Myers
 Ajiun ZhangEmily SpargoLyon Lanerolle
 Zhizhang Yang  




Principal Investigator:
Barry Schwartz
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
Observation sensitivity experiments will be conducted with the Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) as part of NOAA related North American Observing System (NAOS) project. These experiments will include reruns 1-hour assimilation cycles with forecasts 36-48 hours every 12 hours using different combinations of observations to assess impact of observation types and possible reconfigurations of observations for improved forecasts. This project includes observation sensitivity experiment for GPS perceptible water, profiler, and other observation systems.
Authorized Users:
Barry SchwartzKevin BrundageStan Benjamin
 Tanya SmirnovaTracey SmithSteve Weygandt


NCAR WRF High-Resolution Forecasts


Principal Investigator:
Jimy Dudhia
Project Type:
Project Description:
Real-time runs of the WRF mesoscale model on a 10 km US domain to evalutate it as a forecast model at high resolution. These tests will help to determine robustness and forecast capability of WRF over an extended period. Preciptitation statistics will be evaluated by NSSL in near real-time and we will also archive forecasts for later verification efforts.
Authorized Users:
Jimy DudhiaWei Wang


Nested Ocean Models for the Northeast Pacific


Principal Investigator:
Albert Hermann
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
We are studying the impact of interannual-to-decadal changes in circulation and hydrography on lower trophic level dynamics, fisheries, and sea lions in the Northeast Pacific. For this purpose, we have developed physical models with a suite of nested/coupled grids at varying spatial resolutions. The models are based on the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), developed jointly by researchers at Rutgers University and UCLA. ROMS is a three-dimensional primitive equation ocean circulation model, implemented on a curvilinear-orthogonal grid with a s-coordinate in the vertical (for details, see http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/model/roms.html). FSL staff were instrumental in developing an SMS parallel version of this code, which has been run on JET. A native MPI version is also in use. Over the life of this project, ROMS is being run with the following grids: 1) The entire North Pacific Ocean at 40 km resolution, run for several model decades to provide boundary conditions to the coastal-regional model; 2) The coastal -regional circulation grid, which spans the North American west coast from Southern California to the Bering Sea with a 10 km resolution. Multi-year runs are executed for regional analyses, and to provide boundary conditions to local models; 3) Various local grids at 2.5 km resolution, run with embedded lower trophic level (NPZ) biology (with emphasis on juvenile salmon prey items), and used to provide prey fields for an individual-based salmon model. The fish models will be run on local computing platforms. An overview of work on related projects, including results from earlier coastal models, are available at our web sites http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/~hermann, http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/~dobbins/cgoa.html, and a submitted manuscript describing one of those models (Hermann et al, 2000a) is available online http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/~hermann/globec-2001/ms.pdf
Authorized Users:
Albert J. HermannElizabeth L. DobbinsDavid Borg-Breen
 Dylan Righi




Principal Investigator:
Daniel Schaffer
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
Research into the development of a prototype NOAA Grid. In the process we will develop a version of a WRF/ROMS coupled model that runs on Ijet
Authorized Users:
Daniel SchafferMark GovettJacques Middlecoff
 Chris MooreJohn MichalakesBrian Gross
 Al Hermann


NREL Wind Study


Principal Investigator:
Kevin Brundage
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
Study application of 20km MAPS/RUC model in prediction of low level winds and power generation potential at key NREL wind farm and tower sites. This is an ongoing cooperative study between DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and FSL. These investigations utilize 36 hour MAPS forecasts, with independent verification at selected NREL tower sites. Tasks for FY2002 include: Task 1: Investigate the use of ensemble forecasts for forecast uncertainty. This includes examination of diurnal and seasonal variations in these derived parameters. Task 2: Development of probabilistic wind forecasts and verification. Task 3: Assess forecast accuracy of the 20km RUC. Specifically with respect to the low level wind forecasts. Task 4: Methodology to compare accuracy of deterministic and probabilistic forecasts.
Authorized Users:
Kevin Brundage


Pacific Landfalling Jets Experiment


Principal Investigator:
Steve Weygandt
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
PACJET is a multi-agency experiment to develop and test methods for improving short-term (0-24h) forecasts of damaging weather on the US west coast from landfalling winter storms emerging from the data sparse Pacific Ocean. The first field phase of the experiment was conducted Feb of 2001 and a second field phase is planned for Feb of 2002. Special domain versions of the RUC (20km and 10km resolution) centered over the PACJET domain with ingest of special rapid-scan cloud drift wind observations were run for the 2001 field phase and are planned for the 2002 field phase. In addition, special retrospective model experiments are ongoing, with the goal of more thoroughly examining the forecas impact of the special rapid-scan cloud drift wind observations.The lidar OSSE and NAOS data impact studies leverage off of the retrospective experiment software being developed for the PACJET project.
Authorized Users:
Steve WeygandtStan BenjaminGeorg Grell
 John Brown


RUC profiler OSSE


Principal Investigator:
Stephen S. Weygandt
Project Type:
Project Description:
The profosse project will focus on conducting simulated data impact experiments designed to test the potential forecast impact from a nationwide profiler network. It is a fairly easy extension of the work already done for the lidar OSSE experiment and will utilize much of the infrastructure developed during that project (and would not be a feasible undetaking without the previously developed OSSE system). It is also potentially an extremely important source of data for building the case for expansion of the profiler network. As such, an internal proposal has been submitted to Sandy for completion of this work. I have not heard a final decsision on it, but understand it was viewed quite favorably. Project details will be quite similar to those of the ruclidar project with a few exceptions. 1) Generation of the simulated observations will need to redone (similir to the work that John Smart did under the old lidaross project). This will require that all the regional nature run files be resident on a disk at one time, so the obs imulate can generate the obs (these are the files that Lee Cohen helped me locate on the mass store). There are 264 895 MB files, so I am requesting 300 GB of disk space for the project. 2) A 20-km version of the RUC with a 1-h update cycle will be run as opposed to the 40-km and 3-h cycle for lidar OSSE.
Authorized Users:
Steve WeygandtTracy SmithStan Benjamin
 John SmartBarry SchwartzTom Schlatter


Quasi-NonHydrostatic Model


Principal Investigator:
Jin-Luen Lee
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
Develop and run high resolution mesoscale and global models including QNH and WRF at 10 km resolution for predictions of mesoscale weather and hurricane. A non-structured type of global model, HGM, is also under development. We anticipate the increase of disk space may be necessary. Thus, we request to increase QNH project disk space to 300 GB.
Authorized Users:
Jin-Luen LeeA.E. (Sandy) MacDonaldMing Ge
 Mariusz PagowskiRobert F. Rogers


Regional Atmospheric Modeling and DA System


Principal Investigator:
Milija Zupanski
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphe
Project Type:
Project Description:
We wish to perform beta testing of the Parallel Regional Atmosphere Modeling and Data Assimilation System developed at CIRA. This system is designed to investigate impact of direct satellite radiance assimilation as well as assimilation of other remote sensing (GPS, radar) and conventional observations into the regional forecast model (RAMS) for advancements of mesoscale data analysis and forecast. The emphasis in this research is on explicit cloud analysis and other mesoscale forecast initialization. The method of assimilation is 4DVAR. RAMDAS is derived from the NCEP's Eta 4DVAR data assimilation system but the RAMS model and the associated adjoint are employed instead of the Eta model. As part of the RAMDAS testing we will implement the WRF observational transformation operators and data base. An esemble equivalent of RAMDAS will also be tested.
Authorized Users:
Milija ZupanskiTomislava vukicevicDusanka Zupanski


Reanalysis Without Radiosondes


Principal Investigator:
Jeffrey Whitaker
Climate Diagnostics Center
Project Type:
Project Description:
The goal of this project is to produce a daily gridded analysis of the Northern Hemisphere lower and middle tropospheric circulation extending back to the beginning of the 20th century. Ther current NCEP/NCAR reanalysis extends back to 1948, the beginning of the radiosonde era. Using advanced ensemble-based data assimilation techniques we have demostrated that, using only surface pressure observations at 1915 densities, a 500 mb height analysis can be produced that is about as accurate as a 3 day forecast is today. The development of the parallel algorithm and the feasibility study were produced using JET resources under the ENSPARA development project.
Authorized Users:
Jeffrey WhitakerXue WeiGilbert Compo


Re-Forecasting with the MRF Ensemble


Principal Investigator:
Jeffrey Whitaker
Climate Diagnostics Center
Project Type:
Project Description:
The goal of this project is to create a 20+ year data of ensemble forecasts with a fixed version of the global MRF model. This dataset will be useful both for predictability studies and for deriving statistical corrections which will increase the skill of real-time medium range forecasts. Existing archives of operational ensemble forecasts suffer from two problems; 1) they are short (5-6 years long), and 2) they span many model changes that significantly affect forecast error characteristics. 22 years of a single MRF 21-day forecast, at T62 resolution, starting from reanalysis initial conditions, has been completed during the development phase of this project. The focus will now be on running perturbed ensemble members, using the so called "breeding" method to generate initial perturbations. A total of 10 perturbed runs will be generated for a 22 year period.
Authorized Users:
Jeffrey WhitakerXue Wei


Regional Climate and Hydrology Simulations


Principal Investigator:
Georg Grell
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
Longterm regional climate simulations on different scales. Focus will be on snowpack simulation over the Yampa river basin, as well as on a comparison between 1-way and 2-way coupling of atmospheric and hydrologic models.
Authorized Users:
Georg GrellMariusz PagowskiSteven Peckham
 David Flory


Regional Environmental Modeling


Principal Investigator:
Jian-Wen Bao
Environmental Technology Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
To carry out real-time short range weather forecasts which will provide information critical for the operations of field experiments such as PACJET, and to evaluate the performance of MM5 and WRF and improve their physics parameterizations through real-time validation.
Authorized Users:
Jian-Wen BaoSara A. Michelson


RUC Development


Principal Investigator:
Stan Benjamin
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
Development, case study and real-time testing of advanced versions of Rapid Update Cycle (RUC).
Authorized Users:
Stan BenjaminBarry SchwartzSteve Weygandt
 Kevin BrundageGeorg GrellTanya Smirnova
 Tracey Smith Dezso Devenyi


RUC IHOP Forecasts


Principal Investigator:
Steve Weygandt
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
IHOP (International H20 Project) is a multi-agency collaborative effort to determine whether improved characterization of the 4D water vapor field will result in improved warm season quantitative precipitation forecasts. In support of this project, FSL/RAPB will be running a number of mesoscale prediction model in real-time to provide guidaNce to IHOP operational forecasters and project scientists. The computer request is for running of the RUC model at 10km resolution over the IHOP domain. This project has been funded through NOAA.
Authorized Users:
Steve WeygandtStan BenjaminJohn Brown
 Georg Grell


Regional Lidar OSSE Experiment


Principal Investigator:
Steve Weygandt
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
The Regional Lidar OSSE Experiment is a Congressionally mandated multi-agency project to test the forecast impact from assimilating radial velocity observations from a Doppler Wind Lidar (DWL) placed aboard a polar orbiting satellite. Utilizing idealized DWL observations obtained from a regional nature run (created by A. Marroquin using MM5) and boundary conditions from a global lidar OSSE (run at NCEP), regional lidar OSSE experiments will be conducted using the 20km CONUS version of the RUC model. These experiments will consist of retrospective multi-day 1-h cycled RUC model forecasts, run with and without the lidar observations. Within FSL, a very high priority has been placed on obtaining results from this lidar OSSE experiment as soon as possible.
Authorized Users:
Steve WeygandtStan BenjaminGeorg Grell
 Tracy SmithDezso Devenyi


RUC-Short Range Ensemble Forecast System


Principal Investigator:
Chungu Lu
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
To develop RUC time-lagged ensemble forecast system.
Authorized Users:
Chungu LuStan BenjaminBarry Schwartz
 Steve KochKevin Brundage


Seasonal Climate Diagnostics Project


Principal Investigator:
Gary Bates
Climate Diagnostics Center
Project Type:
Project Description:
This project involves running an ensemble of climate simulations each month with the NCAR Community Climate Model to contribute to NOAA's Seasonal Climate Diagnostics Consortium. The boundary conditions for these simulations are observed global sea surface temperatures (SSTs), allowing us to isolate the forcing due to these SSTs. Results from these simulations are compared with those from other climate models and also with observations. In addition, we will also produce experimental seasonal forecasts using similar ensemble methods in which we persist current global SST anomalies forward into the next season.
Authorized Users:
Gary BatesTaiyi Xu


Stratosphere-Troposphere Exhcange Study


Principal Investigator:
Stuart McKeen
Aeronomy Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
A three-dimensional photochemical-transport model will be used to produce numerical simulations of the transport tracers and chemical species within stratosphere-troposphere exchange events, as a means of predicting troposhpere and lower stratosphere compositions.
Authorized Users:
Stuart McKeenEirh-Yu Hsie


Predict Seasonal to Decadal Stormtrack Anomalies


Principal Investigator:
Gilbert Compo
Climate Diagnostics Center
Project Type:
Project Description:
This project is funded by the CLIVAR-Pacific Program of NOAA/OGP. The goal of the project is to go beyond investigations of the predictability of the winter-mean extratropical flow towards that of the synoptic variability ("stormtracks"). We will use very large ensemble (> 200 members) integrations of the operational NCEP GFS model with specified boundary conditions corresponding to seasonal and decadally-averaged conditions to determine the SST-forced signal of stormtrack variations. Very large ensembles are needed to accurately estimate the predictability of the stormtrack and associated precipitation anomalies. A series of integrations at differing horizontal and vertical resolutions will help to determine the sensitivity of the results to these model details.
Authorized Users:
Gilbert P. CompoPrashant D. Sardeshmukh


Space Weather Reanalysis


Principal Investigator:
Eric Kihn
National Geophysical Data Center
Project Type:
Project Description:
The objective of this project is to demonstrate the ability to generate a space weather climatology using physical consistent data-driven space weather models. In this proposal we will create a consistent, integrated historical record of the near Earth space environment by coupling observational data from space environmental monitoring systems archived at NGDC with data driven, physically based numerical models. The resulting product is an enhanced look at the space environment on consistent grids, time resolution, coordinate systems and containing key fields allowing a scientist/engineer to quickly and easily assess the impact of the near-Earth space climate on environmentally sensitive systems. Currently there are no long term climate archives available for the space-weather environment. Just as with terrestrial weather it is crucial to understand both daily weather forecasts as well as long term climate changes, so this project will demonstrate the ability to generate a meaningful and physically derived space weather climatology.
Authorized Users:
Dr. Aaron RidleyDr. Mikhail ZhizhinEric Kihn


2000 Texas Air Quality Study


Principal Investigator:
Stuart McKeen
Aeronomy Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
Numerical simulations of pollution and its transport in the Houston, TX area during the TEXAQS-2000 field campaign.
Authorized Users:
Stuart McKeenEirh-Yu HsieMichael Trainer
 Greg Frost


USFS Rocky Mountain Fire Weather Modeling Center


Principal Investigator:
Paul Schultz
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
FSL is helping the US Forest Service to establish the RMFWMC. The plan is to develop and demonstrate here and in three years migrate the modeling system ot a USFS facility.
Authorized Users:
Brent ShawPaul SchultzSteve Albers
 John SmartLinda WhartonDan Birkenheuer


Water In All Phases


Principal Investigator:
Daniel Birkenheuer
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
Analyze water in al phases on the CONUS with a resolution goal of 5km. Currently running 13km and 10km domains. Have added a RUC 20km CONUS domain in liew of the 5 and 10 km domains. These are in haitus while we study the RUC 20.
Authorized Users:
Daniel L. BirkenheuerBrent ShawPaul Schultz
 Steve AlbersJohn SmartJohn McGinley
 Linda WhartonGuo-ji Jian


Next Generation Air Quality Prediction


Principal Investigator:
Georg Grell
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
FSL currently has the lead in the development of the next gereration air quality prediction system, based on the WRF model. WRF/chem has been under development over the last year, and we are currently starting to evaluate it with test-bed data from the summer of 2002. Starting in the summer of 2003 we would like to run this model in real-time (instead of MM5/chem). While we will have to use both models for retro runs, we will only use one for real-time runs. This will be wrf/chem. Real-time runs will probably start sometimes in May. At the same time model development is continuing. New improvements will have to be tested with data from the summer of 2002.
Authorized Users:
Georg GrellSteven Peckham


WRF Model Development Testing & Evaluation


Principal Investigator:
Ligia Bernardet
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
In support of the DTC (Developmental Testbed Center), many forecasts will be computed to achieve the best configurations of the WRF model to be installed at NCEP.
Authorized Users:
Ligia R. Bernardet


WRF Development with LAPS


Principal Investigator:
Brent Shaw
Project Type:
Project Description:
Development and testing of WRF/LAPS coupled runs using diabatic initialization techniques. Testing of SI code that we provide community support for.
Authorized Users:
rtmm5oplapbPaul Schultz
 Steve AlbersDan Birkenheuer


NCAR WRF Test and Benchmark


Principal Investigator:
Jimy Dudhia
Project Type:
Project Description:
This developmental project will give NCAR staff the opportunity to (i) make sure WRF runs efficiently on platforms such as ijet, (ii) perform occasional sets of runs for benchmarking, (iii) perform occassional large runs for resolution studies. It is therefore a software engineering and scientifically driven project.
Authorized Users:
Jimy DudhiaWei WangDavid O. Gill
 John MichalakesWei Huang


MADIS Support for WRF Data Assimilation


Principal Investigator:
Mike Barth
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
To provide support for the FSL-supplied MADIS interface to the WRF 3DVAR data assimilation package
Authorized Users:
Mike Barth




Principal Investigator:
Stan Benjamin
Forecast Systems Laboratory
Project Type:
Project Description:
Development, case study and real-time testing for application of WRF model and assimilation to Rapid Update Cycle (RUC).
Authorized Users:
Steve WeygandtTracey SmithGeorg Grell
 Barry SchwartzStan BenjaminKevin Brundage
 Tanya SmirnovaChungu LuDezso Devenyi
 John Brown  


WRF Simulations of MCS Rainfall


Principal Investigator:
William Gallus
Iowa State University
Project Type:
Project Description:
WRF model will be run with 18 different physical scheme combinations for 10 different IHOP events where the LAPS analysis was archived to allow a hot start of the WRF model. Precipitation output will be compared among the different versions using subjective and objective analysis. The RTVS system will be used to derive point-to-point verification statistics and Ebert-McBride CRA statistics.
Authorized Users:
William A. Gallus, Jr.Isidora JankovJeremy Grams

HPCS Help Desk | Last Modified: 23-Aug-2004