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Paperwork Elimination Act

Policy, Planning, and Analysis Office Home Page

The Paperwork Reduction Act

The Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 requires that agencies obtain Office of Management and Budget approval before requesting most types of information from the public. "Information collections" include forms, interview, recordkeeping requirements, and a wide variety of other things (see the General Guidance for details).

This Home Page is intended to provide employees of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) with information about the PRA's requirements in this area and the status of clearance requests or approvals. The owner of this site is the Planning and Architecture Division of the IT Planning Analysis Office, Office of the Chief Information Officer and High Performance Computing and Communications, NOAA. For assistance or answers to questions, contact the NOAA Clearance Officer: Richard Roberts, CIO-PPA1, (301) 713-3525, ext. 212.

NEW - ICB Call below.

Red ball image FY 2004 Information Collection Budget Call. Also,

- Word Version of input form.
- WordPerfect Version of input form.
- Listing of NESDIS information collections.
- Listing of NMFS information collections.
- Listing of NOS information collections.
- Listing of NWS information collections.
- Listing of OAR information collections.
- Listing of OMAO information collections.
- Listing of Program Office
information collections.

Red ball image Laws and Regulations - Self-explanatory.

Red ball image NOAA Guidance - This page provides basic PRA guidance as well as instructions on make a PRA clearance request.

Red ball image Status Reports - These reports show approved collections, approved requirements by collection and by species, Federal Register Notice actions (for the PRA), and submissions under review.

Red ball image Submissions and Approvals - This page contains PDF copies of clearance requests. When approved by OMB, the OMB Notice of Action is attached.

Red ball image Electronic Formats - This page offers a fillable PDF version of the OMB-83I and WordPerfect and Word formats the the Supporting Statements (narrative justifications).

Red ball image Links to Related Sites

Red ball image GPEA - The Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA) requires when agencies require persons to submit information to the government, or maintain information, they must give those persons the option to submit or maintain that information electronically when practicable. It also seeks to make transactions within the government electronic. The linked page provides complete guidance on the Act, copies of plans submitted, and other related information.


Publication of the Office of the CIO/HPCC, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce

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Last Updated: December 9, 2003 2:37 PM