Commerce Seal

United States Department of Commerce
Office of General Counsel

General Law Division
Office of the Assistant General Counsel for Administration

This Division provides oral advice and written legal opinions concerning the administration and management of the Department, areas which in general are governed by statutes and regulations of Government- and Department-wide applicability. The General Law Division is responsible for providing legal services in all areas of administrative law not specifically assigned to the other two divisions. Attorneys in this division provide legal advice to Department offices on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Privacy Act (PA), and the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA); review FOIA and PA appeals and prepare recommended responses; review proposals to create and renew advisory committees and to close meetings under FACA; and handle litigation involving these statutes.

This Division also is responsible for providing advice and preparing opinions in a number of other areas, including: Department directives and delegations of authority; the Administrative Procedure Act and the Paperwork Reduction Act; appropriations and budget matters, including use of the Department's Working Capital Fund, use of appropriated funds, interpretation of appropriation act language, and applicability of legislative restrictions and Comptroller General opinions to appropriated fund activities; administrative provisions of the Department's organic authority, such as the gift and bequest fund, user fees, joint projects, and special studies authorities; the classification and protection of records classified for national security reasons; printing; publishing and advertising; and property and records management and disposition.

Model Economy Act Agreement - Purchasing Goods or Services

Model Economy Act Agreement - Providing Goods or Services

Model Joint Project Agreement

Model Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement

Model Special Studies Agreement

Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961 (MECEA) Agreements

For more information regarding this page, please send mail to Brian DiGiacomo.

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