Issued 3/28/94; Effective 3/14/94


This Order provides guidance to all National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) elements for processing requests under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).


.01 Department Administrative Order (DAO) 205-14, Processing Requests Under the Freedom of Information Act, as amended.

.02 DAO 205-12, Public Information, as amended.

.03 15 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 4, dated January 1, 1993, as amended.


.01 Authority to Release Information. Individuals at the Branch Chief level or above may release information for FOIA requests.

.02 Authority to Initially Deny FOIA Information. NOAA's FOIA Officer, the Director, Procurement, Grants, and Administrative Services Office, and the Director, Systems Program Office may initially deny FOIA requests. Other NOAA officials authorized to initially deny FOIA information are listed in Appendix 3, 15 CFR Part 4 (attachment 1).


.01 The Office of Administration, Administrative Services Division, Paperwork Management Branch (PMB) serves as NOAA's Central FOIA facility. A PMB designee serves as NOAA FOIA Officer.

.02 The NOAA FOIA Officer shall:

a. coordinate all FOIA inquiries;

b. maintain the NOAA FOIA Control System that shows receipt, status, and resolution of FOIA requests;

c. initiate Form CD-244, FOIA Information and Action Record, for requests sent to the NOAA FOIA facility;

d. assign due dates for completion of all FOIA requests within the 10-working-day response time established by the FOIA;

e. forward FOIA requests to action offices for response to the requester;

f. receive copies of answers to FOIA requests that action offices send to the requester;

g. ensure that action offices comply with the 10-working-day response time established by the FOIA;

h. forward fees collected for processing FOIA requests to the Finance Services Division, Information Systems and Finance Office; and

i. prepare and submit the FOIA Annual Report to Congress to the Departmental FOIA Officer.

.03 FOIA Liaison Personnel shall:

a. maintain a log of all FOIA requests in their offices. The log shall include the NOAA control number assigned by the NOAA FOIA Officer, name of requester, receipt date, due date, person to whom the FOIA is assigned, fulfillment date, exemption information, fees charged, and fees paid date;

b. complete the Form CD-244 as required (see attachment 2);

c. assign the FOIA to the appropriate action office for response;

d. ensure that all FOIA requests are completed within the 10-working-day timeframe mandated by FOIA. If extensions are necessary, notify the requester and the NOAA FOIA Officer, and document in writing who approved the extension and the extension date;

e. provide the NOAA FOIA Officer with regular status of outstanding FOIA requests;

f. notify the NOAA FOIA Officer when he/she is no longer performing FOIA liaison duties; and

g. supply the NOAA FOIA Officer with the replacement's name.

.04 FOIA Action Offices shall:

a. complete the Form CD-244 as outlined in attachment 2;

b. search for records responsive to FOIA requests;

c. review records to determine what information is releasable and what information should be withheld under the FOIA exemptions;

d. calculate the charges associated with answering individual FOIA requests and notify the requester of any fees due according to 15 CFR Part 4 and show these amounts on the Form CD-244;

e. notify the requester of any fees due before processing FOIA requests;

f. notify the requester by letter that prepayment is required before FOIA information is released if the amount is greater than $250, or if the requester has not paid for previous FOIA requests;

g. respond to all assigned FOIA requests within the 10-working-day response time established by the FOIA;

h. notify the NOAA FOIA Officer if a FOIA request was misdirected or incorrectly assigned to his/her office, or if an extension of a 10-working-day timeframe is needed;

i. send the NOAA FOIA Officer the completed Form CD-244 and a copy of the response letter for all FOIA requests; and

j. notify the NOAA FOIA Officer if a partial or full denial is recommended and document what concurrences were obtained. Before an initial denial is issued, the operating unit must include a memorandum to the file which demonstrates that it has addressed the issue of "foreseeable harm." The memo must document that the action office considered discretionary disclosure and document the harm which would result from disclosure.


.01 All FOIA requests, whether received at NOAA headquarters or NOAA field locations, MUST be controlled and assigned a FOIA number and due date by the NOAA FOIA Officer. It is critical that the NOAA FOIA Officer be notified of all FOIA requests upon receipt. FOIA requests which are the exclusive primary concern of other Federal agencies will be sent to the NOAA FOIA Officer. The NOAA FOIA Officer will send the request to the appropriate Federal agency for their direct response to the requester.

.02 NOAA headquarters offices shall send all misdirected or initially received FOIA requests to the NOAA FOIA Officer. The NOAA FOIA Officer will assign a NOAA FOIA number, enter the FOIA request into the FOIA control system, initiate a Form CD-244, FOIA Request and Action Record, and assign the request to the appropriate FOIA liaison personnel for that organization. The FOIA Officer will mail the white and yellow copies of the Form CD-244 and a photocopy of the requester's letter to the FOIA liaison for further assignment.

.03 NOAA field locations shall call the NOAA FOIA Officer for a NOAA control number and due date when FOIA requests are received directly. The FOIA field liaison initiates Form CD-244 (see attachment 2 for instructions), and FAXES a copy of the typed Form CD-244 and requester's incoming letter to the Paperwork Management Branch.

.04 After the FOIA requests are fulfilled, the FOIA action offices and the FOIA liaison personnel shall ensure that the Form CD-244 is properly completed. The completed Form CD-244 and a copy of the response letter sent to the requester shall be returned to the NOAA FOIA Officer.

.05 The NOAA FOIA Officer will enter all completed FOIA requests in the NOAA FOIA Control System and maintain copies of all FOIA requests at the NOAA Public Reference Facility, 6010 Executive Boulevard, Room 714, WSC-5, Rockville, MD 20852.

.06 Denials or partial denials of information may be issued by officials listed in 15 CFR, Part 4, Appendix C. Assigned offices must indicate the reasons for the denial and cite the appropriate FOIA exemption upon which the denial is based on the Form CD-244 and in the response letter to the requester.

.07 All checks or money orders received from requesters for processing FOIA requests must be made payable to the United States Treasury, must be identified by FOIA number, and sent to the NOAA FOIA Officer.

.08 FOIA liaison or FOIA action offices with questions about proposed denials are encouraged to contact the NOAA FOIA Officer. If there are nonroutine legal questions regarding any FOIA request, the NOAA FOIA Officer will contact the appropriate Office of General Counsel for further guidance.


.01 FOIA requests for agency records which originated in the White House or which involve the White House shall be sent to the NOAA FOIA Officer. FOIA documents which are the exclusive primary concern of other agencies shall be referred to those agencies by the NOAA FOIA Officer for direct response to the requester.

.02 The NOAA FOIA Officer shall be contacted for further instructions for processing White House FOIA requests.



Director, Office of Administration

Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3

Office of Primary Interest:
Paperwork Management Branch (OA332)
Administrative Services Division
Procurement, Grants, and Administrative Services Office
Office of Administration