Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
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DOE News Release
October 8, 2004

Stacey Francis 526-0075 cell-520-6257

Old, Obsolete facility demolished at the INEEL

Accelerated cleanup is changing the skyline at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. Crews with Bechtel BWXT Idaho's Idaho Completion Project started the demolition of the north and east office wings of an old laboratory complex at the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center and will begin to demolish the remainder of the facility in coming weeks.

Demolition of the Research and Development Laboratory Process Improvement Facility (CPP-637) at the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center represents part of an approximately seven-year accelerated demolition of obsolete buildings at INTEC and locations at the site.

"CPP-637 was long a 'flagship' facility at INTEC," said Frank Russo, vice president and project manager for the ICP.  "Its deactivation and now demolition has, and will continue to reinforce the commitment by Bechtel BWXT Idaho LLC and its workforce to reducing the environmental management footprint, embracing the closure culture, generating mortgage reductions to fund future additional risk elimination activities and most pointedly, eliminate obsolete facilities and materials."

Planners have broken the work into two phases to maximize the use of the work force and accelerate the completion of the demolition.  The first phase is the removal of the north and east wings, which housed offices, the dispensary, the library and a glass shop.  The labs and pilot-scale demonstration facilities will follow.

To date, 26 buildings and structures have been safely removed at INTEC.  Bechtel BWXT Idaho completed these removals under the current challenge from the DOE to perform more cleanup work within the existing funding profile. Today's success continues the trend of safe removal in strict compliance with environmental regulations and Integrated Safety Management Systems.

Under the DOE's Performance Management Plan for accelerating cleanup at INEEL while protecting the Snake River Plain Aquifer, the Department is working to reduce risk and complete the majority of remaining cleanup work from past INEEL missions by 2012.  The Idaho Completion Project is managed by Bechtel BWXT Idaho for the U.S. Department of Energy.



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