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INEEL's plan for the future

INEEL plans for the future

FY 2003 Strategic Plan
FY 2002-2006 Institutional Plan

Plans are in PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader - Download instructions

The Department of Energy requires its national laboratories to prepare a five-year Institutional Plan - a technical document used to guide strategic decisions about the laboratory - and update it each year. INEEL last issued such a plan in 2002.

National priorities have changed since then. In 2002, DOE Secretary Spencer Abraham established the INEEL as the nation's leading center for nuclear energy research and development. That new role, along with the nation's increased emphasis on security and the protection of critical infrastructure, led to the development of the 2003 Strategic Plan. In the words of Bill Magwood, DOE Director of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology:

"This realigned vision returns the laboratory to its core mission of nuclear energy R&D, launching a new era in the nation's nuclear energy program."

During the remainder of this five-year period, the INEEL's role will be clearly intertwined with national security. The laboratory will advance the nation's primary security interests through research and development in energy systems, critical infrastructure protection, other areas of security, and fundamental science - while accelerating environmental cleanup. This focus will require new facilities and new technologies.

We are now refocusing the Laboratory's people, momentum and resources from environmental cleanup and science, to the new nuclear energy mission. Accelerated cleanup of the INEEL remains a firm commitment, but as cleanup work is completed in the next decade, nuclear energy, energy security and basic science R&D will predominate at the laboratory.

The laboratory will continue to team with universities and other national laboratories to further science and to share its technological findings with private industry to enhance U.S. economic competitiveness.

To achieve its goals, the INEEL must address three key issues:

  • Maintain and develop the INEEL work force. We must have the right technical skills to do the jobs assigned. We must recruit, retain and develop employees in an extremely competitive, increasingly high-tech marketplace.
  • Restore our infrastructure and technical and test capabilities. A significant investment is required to provide modern, cost-effective research facilities and the necessary scientific equipment at the INEEL.
  • Develop a shared commitment among DOE, the contractor and our stakeholders with regard to our new mission. As a result of this, U.S. leadership in nuclear science and technology will be reestablished.
The INEEL's emphasis will be on:
  • Developing advanced energy systems and improving current energy technologies
  • Developing and demonstrating advanced fuel cycle systems
  • Providing state-of-the-art research capabilities, materials and systems for nuclear fuels testing and evaluation
  • Providing science and engineering solutions to protect our nation's critical infrastructure
  • Facilitating completion of DOE's legacy cleanup and stewardship responsibilities
  • Conducting science and technology development to underpin DOE's mission
  • Continuing to develop a high-performance, multiprogram national laboratory
  • Strengthening our national and international partnerships in R&D
In operation since 1949, the INEEL is a DOE multiprogram laboratory focused on developing and demonstrating advanced nuclear technologies that provide clean, abundant, affordable and reliable energy. Aligned with DOE mission priorities the INEEL also conducts basic and applied research to protect our nation's critical infrastructure and enhance our national security, facilitates legacy cleanup and stewardship responsibilities, and advances energy-related sciences.

Contact:   Susan Hensley

Page contact: Communications,

Updated: Monday, April 26, 2004
For general inquiries about INEEL, please call 1-800-708-2680
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Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC is an EEO/AA employer
The INEEL is operated for the DOE by Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC.
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