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Measurement or Reference Products or Tools

Because measurements create a common language for technology advancement, products and tools developed by IAD provide impartial ways of measuring products so that developers and users can evaluate how products perform and assess their quality based on objective criteria. Products and tests also supply neutral ways to demonstrate that products satisfy required functions and features, work with other products, and conform to a specification or standard.

Measurement Products

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2000 Fingerprint Standard Revision
On July 27, 2000, the Board of Standards Review of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approved ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2000 Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & Scar Mark & Tattoo (SMT) Information as an American National Standard. This is revision, redesignation, and consolidation of ANSI/NIST-CSL 1-1993 and ANSI/NIST-ITL 1a-1997. This standard specifies a common format to be used to exchange fingerprint, facial, scar, mark, and tattoo identification data effectively across jurisdictional lines or between dissimilar systems made by different manufacturers.
AnthroKids - Anthropometric Data of Children
The AnthroKids web site and data, a unique collection of childrens anthropometric measurements collected in the mid-70s
Text REtrieval Conference (TREC)
Annual Evaluations/workshops to support retrieval from large text corpora
An extensive bibliography and paper on "Virtual Environments for Health Care"
Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) Proceedings
Information about paper and online versions of the TREC proceedings
Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) Test Collections on CD-ROM
Information on obtaining the data used in the TREC evaluations


Best Practice Recommendation for the Capture of Mugshots
Information on capturing mugshots. Designed to be non-binding for past, present, and future mugshot systems. Use of these practices will make conversion of existing and ongoing photographic collections more uniform
Databases for Mugshot/Face Indentification, Fingerprint classification/matching, and OCR
This is a test data produced by the Visual Processing group for use in evaluating automated OCR, fingerprint classification/matching, and face recognition systems
deneb2vrml - Translation of Deneb Rob otics formats to VRML (source code)
A VRML translator to convert Deneb Robotics "Part" files into VRML
Guide to Z39.50/PRISE 2.0
A public domain Z39.50 prototype indexing and search system
Making VRML Accessible
Software utilities to which aid in making VRML more accessible for persons with disabilities
NIST Digital Video Collection
A public-domain collection of digital video created to encourage more researchers to address real-world problems and support the scientific comparison of solutions of digital video search, retrieval, and display.
NIST Formed-Based Handprint Recognition System (Release 2.0)
This software test-bed represents a technology transfer to developers and integrators for evaluating optical character recognition (OCR)
Public Domain Pattern Level Classification Systems (for fingerprints)
PCASYS is a distribution of automatic fingerprint classification software. Its primary component is a classifier demonstration program which separates fingerprint images into pattern-level classes known as arch, left loop, right loop, scar, tented arch, and whorl
NIST Smart Flow System
The successful implementation of Smart Spaces requires large amounts of data from sensors to be transported to recognition algorithms running on a distributed network. We have defined a set of interface objects, and a transport mechanism implemented for the Linux Operating System.
NIST Spoken Language Technology Evaluation and Utility
Evaluation - NIST coordinated evaluations, past/present/future...
The WebMetrics Tool Suite contains rapid, remote, and automated tools to help in producing usable web sites
Working Model 3D Translator to VRML
Source code for a VRML translator to convert a "Working Model 3D" model and animation into VRML (the executable is part of the product)

Site created on June 19, 2001
Last updated: November 8,2002
Contact web894@nist.gov with corrections.