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New and Current Events
 * Multi-year drought
 * Tucson Field Office Flood-Warning Gages
 * USGS Booth at Gem and Mineral Show
 * El Niño
 * Recent Publications

 * Active Projects
 * Completed Projects
 * Project Home Pages

Education and Outreach
 Basic information on ground water and water quality Ground-Water Hydrology 101
 Middle-school students from the Gila River Indian Community learning about the flow of Colorado River and the geology of the lower Grand Canyon The Colorado River Experience
 Tucson middle-school students learning how streamflow and water-quality measurements are made The Sabino Canyon Experience
 Educational information on water USGS Water Science for Schools
 Educational information on hydrology, geology, biology, and geography USGS Learning Web
 Maps and photo images for kids TerraWeb for Kids
 Get answers to questions about volcanoes, earthquakes, mountains, rocks, maps, ground water, lakes, and rivers Ask-A-Geologist

Related Sites
 * USGS Water Resources offices
 * Flagstaff Field Center
 * Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
 * Arizona Department of Water Resources
 * State of Arizona home page
 Operated by the USDA Agricultural Research Service Southwest Watershed Research Center
 * UofA Hydrology
 * UofA Water Resources Research
 * Pima County home page
 * Pima County Flood Control District
 * Arid West Water Quality Research
 * Tucson Water
 * Arizona Geological Survey
 Operated by the USDA Agricultural Research Service SemiArid Land-Surface Atmosphere (SALSA)
 * Weather Service- Tucson
 * Weather conditions at the University of Arizona
 From Weather Radar Map
 News from Department of the Interior agencies People, Land, and Water
 * Index of USGS Web Sites
 * Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado River
 * Bureau of Reclamation, Upper Colorado River
 * Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center

Additional Water Information
 Access to USGS hydrologic data for Arizona Arizona NWISWEB
 Access to USGS hydrologic data for sites across the United States National NWISWEB
 Views from Webcams at streamflow-gaging stations in Arizona Webcams
 * Colorado River flood
 * Grand Canyon basic data
 * Lower Colorado data report
 USEPA site for environmental information on Arizona's watersheds Surf Your Watershed
 * Glossary of hydrologic terms
 * English and Spanish hydrologic terms

 * Publications
 * Fact Sheets
 * USGS Reports
 * News Releases
 * Bibliography of Reports
 * Glen Canyon Environmental Studies
 * USGS Publications and Products
 * Online Water-Resources Reports
 * Ordering UGSG Maps

GIS Resources
 Home page for GIS data from the USGS USGS GIS
 Source for geospatial and spatially referenced data USGS Clearinghouse
 Home page for the Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) EROS Data Center
 National Atlas of the United States National Atlas
 * Links

About Us
 * Office Location
 * Personnel
 * Cooperators
 * Message from the District Chief
 * Mission Statements

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Last modified: February 13, 2002