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American Centers
Bush Condemns Terror Attacks in Kenya, Israel
Responds to terrorist attacks on Thanksgiving Day

President Bush November 28 issued a statement condemning terrorist attacks that day at a Likud Party polling place in Northern Israel and at the Paradise Hotel in Mombasa, Kenya, and an attempted attack on a civilian Israeli airliner shortly after it took off from Mombasa's international airport.

Following is the White House text

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
November 28, 2002

Statement by the President

I condemn, in the strongest possible terms, the terrorist attacks today at the Likud Party polling place in northern Israel and the Paradise Hotel in Mombasa Kenya, as well as the attempted attack on a civilian airliner shortly after it took off from Mombasa's international airport. I want to extend my condolences to the victims and their families, and to the governments and peoples of Israel and Kenya. Today's attacks underscore the continuing willingness of those opposed to peace to commit horrible crimes. Those who seek peace must do everything in their power to dismantle the infrastructure of terror that makes such actions possible. The United States remains firmly committed, with its partners around the world, to the fight against terror and those who commit these heinous acts.


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