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You may e-mail me by filling out your information and comments below. Otherwise, please call, fax, or write your request to me. After filling out the electronic form, please send your checks to the address listed below. Flag requests will only be processed once a check has arrived.

Honorable Michael Burgess Stationary Account
Attn: Whitney Thompson
1721 Longworth
Washington, DC 20515

* First Name
* Last Name
* Address
* City
* State
* Zip Code
Phone Number
* Email Address

Indicate the number of which flag(s) you would like below:
Please note: flag prices are subject to change.

3 X 5 Cotton @ $14.30 each
3 X 5 Nylon @ $12.85 each
4 X 6 Nylon @ $18.55 each
5 X 8 Cotton @ $27.15 each
5 X 8 Nylon @ $23.05 each
Do you want the flag flown over the Capitol? ($4.05)
Do you have a date preference?

If yes, please fill in date (allow 4-6 weeks notice prior to desired date):
What occasion or person will this flag be for,
as you would like written on the certificate?
Send Flag(s) to (if other than listed above):
Street Address