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H.R. 4837 Appropriations bill FY2005, Military Construction

International Security

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Washington, Oct 9 - H.R.4837
Votes: 374-0
Burgess voted Yes

Title:Making appropriations for military construction, family housing, and base realignment and closure for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Knollenberg, Joe [MI-9] (introduced 7/15/2004) Cosponsors: (none)
Committees: House Appropriations
House Reports: 108-607; Latest Conference Report: 108-773
Related Bills: H.RES.732, S.2674
Latest Major Action: 10/11/2004 Conference report agreed to in Senate. Status: Senate agreed to conference report by Voice Vote.
9/20/2004--Passed Senate, amended. (There are 3 other summaries)

Military Construction Appropriations Act, 2005 - Appropriates funds for FY 2005 for military construction, family housing, and base realignment and closure functions administered by the Department of Defense (DOD), namely: (1) military construction for the Army, Navy, and Air Force, DOD, the Army and Air National Guards, and the Army, Naval, and Air Force reserves; (2) the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Security Investment Program; (3) family housing and related operation and maintenance for the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force; (4) family housing construction and operation and maintenance, defense-wide; (5) the Department of Defense Family Housing Improvement Fund; (6) chemical demilitarization construction, defense; and (7) the Department of Defense Base Closure Account 1990.

Specifies restrictions and authorizations regarding the use of funds appropriated in this Act and in other military construction appropriations Acts.

(Sec. 113) Directs the Secretary of Defense (Secretary) to notify the appropriate congressional committees 30 days in advance of the plans and scope of any military exercise involving U.S. personnel if construction costs are anticipated to exceed $100,000.

(Sec. 118) Directs the Secretary to report to the congressional appropriations committees on actions proposed by DOD to encourage other member nations of NATO, Japan, Korea, and other U.S. allies in the Arabian Gulf to assume a greater share of the common defense burden of such nations and the United States.

(Sec. 121) Prohibits this Act's funds from being obligated for Partnership for Peace programs in the new independent states of the former Soviet Union.

(Sec. 122) Requires the Secretary of the military department concerned, before issuing any solicitation for a contract with the private sector for military family housing, to notify the congressional defense committees of any guarantee (including the making of mortgage or rental payments, and the extent and likelihood of Federal liability) proposed to be made by the Secretary to the private party under the contract involved in the event of: (1) the closure or realignment of the installation for which housing is provided under the contract; (2) a reduction in force of units stationed at such installation; or (3) the extended deployment overseas of units stationed at such installation.

(Sec. 126) Prohibits the obligation or expenditure for missile defense studies of any funds appropriated for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment Program.

(Sec. 127) Extends until August 15, 2005 (currently, December 31, 2004) the due date for a findings report from the Commission on the Review of the Overseas Military Facility Structure of the United States to the President and Congress.

(Sec. 129) Directs the Secretary of the Army, upon determining that any portion of certain real property at Fort Hunter Liggett, California, is excess to the needs of the Army, to first offer such property to the Secretary of Agriculture for inclusion in the National Forest System. Requires the Secretary of the Army to perform any necessary environmental remediation with respect to the property before such transfer.

(Sec. 130) Directs the Secretary to: (1) assess the impacts on the military family housing program of having the total value of contracts and investments undertaken under the Military Housing Privatization Initiative reach the DOD limitation on budget authority for the acquisition or construction of military family housing; and (2) report assessment results to the congressional defense committees.

(Sec. 131) Earmarks appropriated funds to the Commission on the Review of Overseas Military Facility Structure of the United States.

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