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H.R. 4567 Appropriations bill FY2005, Homeland Security

International Security

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Washington, Oct 9 - H.R.4567
Votes: 368-0
Burgess voted Yes

Title:Making appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Rogers, Harold [KY-5] (introduced 6/15/2004) Cosponsors: (none)
Committees: House Appropriations
House Reports: 108-541; Latest Conference Report: 108-774
Related Bills: H.RES.675, S.2537
Latest Major Action: 10/11/2004 Conference report agreed to in Senate. Status: Senate agreed to conference report by Voice Vote.
6/18/2004--Passed House, amended. (There are 2 other summaries)

Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2005 - Title I: Departmental Management and Operations - Makes appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for FY 2005 for: (1) the Office of the Secretary of Homeland Security and executive management; (2) the Office of the Under Secretary for Management ; (3) the Office of the Chief Financial Officer; (4) the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer; (5) the Office of the Chief Information Officer; (6) development and acquisition of information technology equipment, software, services, and related activities and for the costs of conversion to narrowband communications; and (7) the Office of Inspector General.

Title II: Security, Enforcement, and Investigations - Makes appropriations for: (1) the Office of the Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security, including for development of the U.S. Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology project ; (2) customs and border protection, including for enforcement of laws relating to border security, immigration, customs, and agricultural inspections and regulatory activities related to plant and animal imports and for customs and border protection automated systems; (3) immigration and customs laws enforcement, including for Federal air marshals, the Federal Protective Service, and immigration and customs enforcement automated systems; (4) the Transportation Security Administration (TSA); (5) the Coast Guard; and (6) the Secret Service.

Title III: Preparedness and Recovery - Makes appropriations for: (1) the Office for State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness, including for grants to State and local governments for terrorism prevention activities (sets forth allocations for formula-based grants, law enforcement terrorism prevention grants, discretionary grants for the use in high-threat, high density urban areas and for rail and transit security, emergency management performance grants, and port security grants) and firefighter assistance grants; (2) reimbursement of Federal agencies for the costs of providing support to counter, investigate, or respond to unexpected threats or acts of terrorism; (3) emergency preparedness and response, including for the Office of the Under Secretary for Emergency Preparedness and Response, the Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate, countering potential biological, disease, and chemical threats to civilian populations, the disaster assistance direct loan program, the Flood Map Modernization Fund, the National Flood Insurance Fund, the National Flood Mitigation Fund, the National Pre-Disaster Mitigation Fund, and an emergency food and shelter program. Limits the aggregate charges assessed during FY 2005 for the Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program.

Title IV: Research and Development, Training, Assessments, and Services - Makes appropriations for: (1) citizenship and immigration services; (2) the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center; (3) information analysis and infrastructure protection, including for the immediate Office of the Under Secretary for Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection and the management and administration of programs and activities (including for the Under Secretary to prepare an analysis of requiring key resources and critical infrastructure to provide information related to actual and potential vulnerabilities); and (4) the immediate Office of the Under Secretary for Science and Technology, management and administration of programs and activities, and science and technology research.

Title V: General Provisions - (Sec. 505) Deems funds made available by this Act for intelligence activities to be specifically authorized by Congress during FY 2005 until the enactment of an Act authorizing intelligence activities for FY 2005.

(Sec. 506) Directs the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center to establish an accrediting body to establish standards for measuring and assessing the quality and effectiveness of Federal law enforcement training programs, facilities, and instructors.

(Sec. 513) Directs the Secretary: (1) to research, develop, and procure certified systems to inspect and screen air cargo on passenger aircraft at the earliest date possible; (2) until such technology is procured and installed, to take actions to enhance the known shipper program to prohibit high-risk cargo from being transported on passenger aircraft; and (3) to amend security directives and programs in effect to at least double the percentage of cargo inspected on passenger aircraft.

(Sec. 514) Amends the Homeland Security Act to provide for the establishment of a Chief Procurement Officer. Requires the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Information Officers to report to the Secretary.

(Sec. 515) Directs the Commandant of the Coast Guard to provide to Congress each year, at the time that the President's budget is submitted, a list of approved but unfunded Coast Guard priorities in the same manner and with the same contents as the unfunded priorities lists submitted by he chiefs of other armed services.

(Sec. 516) Requires that unclaimed money recovered at any airport security checkpoint be retained and used by TSA for providing civil aviation security.

(Sec. 518) Directs that TSA's acquisition management system apply to the acquisition of services, as well as equipment, supplies, and materials.

(Sec. 519) Transfers the authority of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to conduct personnel security and suitability background investigations of applicants for, or appointees in, competitive service positions within DHS to DHS.

(Sec. 520) Terminates the Homeland Security Institute five years after its establishment.

(Sec. 523) Prohibits the obligation of funds for deployment or implementation of the Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System (CAPPS II), on other than a test basis, until the Secretary has certified that specified requirements have been met.

(Sec. 524) Modifies provisions of the Homeland Security Act regarding the prohibition on contracts with corporate expatriates to: (1) prohibit the Secretary from entering into any contract with any subsidiary of a foreign incorporated entity which is treated as an inverted domestic corporation; (2) apply such prohibition to entities that converted to an inverted domestic corporation before, on, or after (currently, after) November 25, 2002; and (3) permit the Secretary to waive such prohibition in the interest of national security (currently, in the interest of homeland security).

(Sec. 525) Revises amounts otherwise provided by this Act to: (1) reduce funds (under title I) for the Office of the Under Secretary for Management); and (2) increase funds (under title III) for grants to fire departments to hire firefighters as part of the expansion of the pre-September 11, 2001, fire grant program.

(Sec. 526) Prohibits the use of funds made available in this Act to amend the oath of allegiance required under the Immigration and Nationality Act.

(Sec. 527) Prohibits the use of funds appropriated by this Act to process or approve a competition under Office of Management and Budget Circular A-76 for services provided as of June 1, 2004, by employees of DHS's Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services who are known as Immigration Information Officers, Contact Representatives, or Investigative Assistants.

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