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ASTER Image for AST_L1A

EDG Data Set Name
ASTER L1A Reconstructed Unprocessed Instrument Data

Granule Shortname

Data Set Characteristics
Area: ~60 km x 60 km
Image Dimensions:

VNIR: 4200 rows x 4100 columns
VNIR (3B): 5400 rows x 5000 columns
SWIR: 2100 rows x 2048 columns
TIR: 700 rows x 700 columns
File Size:

VNIR (1,2,3N) = 51,660,000 Bytes
VNIR (3B) = 23,000,000 Bytes
SWIR (4-9) = 25,804,800 Bytes
TIR (10-14) = 4,900,000 Bytes
Total = 107 Megabytes
Spatial Resolution:

VNIR = 15 m
SWIR = 30 m
TIR = 90 m
Data Format: HDF-EOS
Vgroup Data Fields: 15

Product Description
The ASTER instrument aboard the Terra satellite has a complement of three different telescopes with varying pointing capabilities. Data derived from ASTER are primarily generated based on Data Acquisition Requests (DARs) from users. Level-1 datasets are produced at the Ground Data System (GDS) in Tokyo, Japan, and sent to the Land Processes (LP) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) for archiving and distribution. The ASTER Level-1A product contains reconstructed, unprocessed instrument digital data derived from the telemetry streams of the 3 telescopes and their respective ground resolutions: Visible Near Infrared (VNIR), 15 m, Shortwave Infrared (SWIR), 30 m, and Thermal Infrared (TIR), 90 m. These depacketized, demultiplexed, and realigned instrument image data have their geometric correction coefficients and radiometric calibration coefficients calculated and appended but not applied. It also includes corrections for the SWIR parallax, and intra- and inter-telescope registration information. The EOS Data Gateway (EDG) also provides browse images for each of the Level-1A VNIR, SWIR, and TIR data groups that can be viewed and/or requested.

Vgroup Data Fields/
Spectral Range (µm)
Units Data Type Valid Range Telescope Pointing

VNIR (15 Meters)
Band 1 (0.52 - 0.60) Digital Counts 8-bit unsigned integer 0 - 255 +/- 24°
Band 2 (0.63 - 0.69) Digital Counts 8-bit unsigned integer 0 - 255 +/- 24°
Band 3N (0.78 - 0.86) Digital Counts 8-bit unsigned integer 0 - 255 +/- 24°
Band 3B (0.78 - 0.86) Digital Counts 8-bit unsigned integer 0 - 255 +/- 24°

SWIR (30 Meters)
Band 4 (1.600 - 1.700) Digital Counts 8-bit unsigned integer 0 - 255 +/- 8.55°
Band 5 (2.145 - 2.185) Digital Counts 8-bit unsigned integer 0 - 255 +/- 8.55°
Band 6 (2.185 - 2.225) Digital Counts 8-bit unsigned integer 0 - 255 +/- 8.55°
Band 7 (2.235 - 2.285) Digital Counts 8-bit unsigned integer 0 - 255 +/- 8.55°
Band 8 (2.295 - 2.365) Digital Counts 8-bit unsigned integer 0 - 255 +/- 8.55°
Band 9 (2.360 - 2.430) Digital Counts 8-bit unsigned integer 0 - 255 +/- 8.55°

TIR (90 Meters)
Band 10 (8.125 - 8.475) Digital Counts 16-bit unsigned integer 0 - 65535 +/- 8.55°
Band 11 (8.475 - 8.825)    Digital Counts 16-bit unsigned integer 0 - 65535 +/- 8.55°
Band 12 (8.925 - 9.275) Digital Counts 16-bit unsigned integer 0 - 65535 +/- 8.55°
Band 13 (10.25 - 10.95) Digital Counts 16-bit unsigned integer 0 - 65535 +/- 8.55°
Band 14 (10.95 - 11.65) Digital Counts 16-bit unsigned integer 0 - 65535 +/- 8.55°

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EOS Data Gateway Search Tips
Data Center: LPDAAC
Sensor: ASTER
Dataset: ASTER L1A Reconstructed Unprocessed Instrument Data
Geographic Extent:   Type latitude/longitude range or delineate a geographic search window
Temporal Extent: March 4, 2000 to present

Product InformationSkip past Product Information Links
ASTER Standard Data Product Specifications Document
Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD)
EOS Data Products Handbook Volume 1 (2000)

Contact Information
LP DAAC User Services
U.S. Geological Survey
EROS Data Center
47914 252nd Street
Sioux Falls, SD 57198-0001

Phone: 605-594-6116
Toll Free:  866-573-3222

Fax: 605-594-6963

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Last Update: Tuesday, September 07, 2004
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