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NHD Tutorial
The NHD Tutorial Series 

Introduction to the NHD Tutorials: 

Welcome to the National Hydrography Dataset Tutorial Series. Each tutorial provides students with the opportunity to actively learn about and use NHD data. The tutorials come with sample NHD datasets and ArcView project files. 

The purpose of the NHD Tutorials is to acquaint users with the NHD data model, learn how to use NHD data in simple query-and-display applications, and to access and query NHD metadata. 

The NHD Tutorials are meant to be a companion to the NHD Technical References documentation. There is a great deal of conceptual information, background information, and detailed data-specific information on the NHD Technical References web site. Students are encouraged to consult digital or hard copies of the documents posted on the NHD Technical References site while going through each Tutorial.  

Each Tutorial should take you about 30 to 45 minutes to complete. 

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Tutorial Datasets:
The NHD datasets supplied with the NHD Tutorials are not production versions of the data.  While the content of each Tutorial dataset is substantially correct, not all production steps have been performed on these datasets, making them inappropriate for any use except with the Tutorials.

Available and Planned Tutorials: 

Tutorial using free software: ArcExplorer Tutorial: Viewing NHD Feature Classes


Purpose: Display each of the feature classes present in the sample dataset.

At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to:

There are 6 Tutorials in the NHD Tutorial Series based on ESRI's ArcView software: 

Tutorial Requirements: 

The NHD Tutorials were developed using ESRI's ArcView Ver. 3.0 software on the Windows '95 operating system. You must have ArcView Ver. 3.0 or Ver. 3.1 installed on your PC. Consult ESRI's information for minimum hardware and software configuration information. 

Tutorial 1: Viewing NHD Feature Classes

Purpose: Display each of the feature classes present in the sample dataset. 

At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to: 

Tutorial 2: The Drain Feature Class and the Feature Code Table 

Purpose: Review the contents of the drain feature class and demonstrate linkages between feature classes and the feature code table. 

At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to: 

  • Display drainage features by feature type
  • Understand the purpose and function of the feature code table
  • Join the feature code table to the attributes of drainage features
  • Display drainage features by feature code
  • Understand why the 'wb_com_id' field exists in the data and what its purpose is

  • Tutorial 3: The Reach Feature Class(es) 

    Purpose: Introduce students to the concept of a reach and familiarize students with the reach attributes in the reach and waterbody feature classes. 

    At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to: 


    Tutorial 4: The Landmark Feature Classes 

    Purpose: Introduce students to the purpose and content of the landmark feature classes. 

    At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to: 

  • Display features from the areal landmark feature class
  • Display features from the linear landmark feature class
  • Display features from the point landmark feature class

  • Tutorial 5: Understanding Reach Flow Relationships 

    Purpose: Introduce students to the concepts behind and uses of reach flow relationships 

    At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to: 

    • Demonstrate the Power of Flow Relationships and Understand Flow Terminology
    • Examine Flow Relationships and Their Attributes
    • Understand the Direction and Sequence Fields in the Flow Relationships
    • Use the Flow Relationships to Traverse the Network

    Tutorial 6: Using Event Tables with NHD Reaches 

    Purpose: Introduce students to the use of event tables on reach route systems in NHD. 

    At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to: 

    • Load an existing event theme based on HD reaches into a view
    • Display and query events based on NHD reaches
    • Understand how route measures and events are implemented on transport reaches
    • Understand how route measures and events are implemented on transport reach in 2-D stream/rivers
    • Understand how route measures and events are implemented on transport reaches in 2-D lake/ponds
    • Understand how route measures are implemented on coastline reaches.

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