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State's Deputy Secretary Armitage Seeks Qatar's Advice on Iraq

Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage expressed the Bush administration's gratitude to the Qatari leadership for its partnership and advice following his April 20 meetings with the crown prince and the foreign minister.

Armitage met with Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr al-Thani in Doha, where they discussed political solutions to the current problems in Iraq.

"As we move to the day of turning over sovereignty to the people of Iraq, that is the first of July, it is very important that we move with wisdom and determination, and in that regard, the advice of our friends in Qatar was most helpful," Armitage said after the meeting.

Foreign Minister al-Thani said, "It is important to solve the situation gently and not to accelerate militarily the situation in the areas under siege."

Following is the transcript of remarks by the Qatari Foreign Minister and Deputy Secretary Armitage

Remarks with First Deputy and Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr al-Thani Emiri Diwan

Richard L. Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State

Doha, Qatar
April 20, 2004

FOREIGN MINISTER (ARABIC): In the name of God, thank you for attending. The Heir Apparent met with Mr. Armitage. Discussions were about the friendly relations between the two countries. The discussions also were on Iraq and how to help to calm down the situation in Iraq. We talked also about this with Mr. Armitage because it is important to solve the situation gently and to not to accelerate militarily the situation in the areas under siege and to solve this issue. We found a positive response and great understanding with regards to this position, especially in regards to the situation of the Sunnis and with regards to the Shi'i areas. And with Mr. Armitage, we found great understanding of how to resolve the situation in the future in a way that it will be a calm solution, a calm way that will help to stabilize the situation in Iraq. In regards to the presence of the American forces in Iraq, I stated before that the presence of the American forces in Iraq is very important to reach stability until the process of handing over the power to the Iraqis is completed. We call upon our American friends that there should be an implementation time frame and clarity on who the troops will leave and handing over the power to Iraqis, but it is very important before that there is calmness and a constitution that the Iraqis will agree on and an elections process. We will work together with our friends as much as we can to calm the situation in Iraq because it is of the interest of the region. Once again we welcome Mr. Armitage. We are ready for any questions.

DEPUTY SECRETARY ARMITAGE: President Bush had asked that I travel here to consult with the leadership, the Crown Prince, the distinguished Foreign Minister, about the situation in Iraq and to seek advice from our friends in Qatar about the proper way to seek political solutions to the problems in Iraq.

As we move to the day of turning over sovereignty to the people of Iraq, that is the first of July, it is very important that we move with wisdom and determination and in that regard, the advice of our friends in Qatar was most helpful.

The President of the United States and the Secretary of State, Secretary Powell had also asked me to yet again express to His Highness the Crown Prince, as well as the Foreign Minister, our enormous gratitude and appreciation for the partnership which has been so helpful we think to both of us and I m talking in the military sphere here.

Finally, I was able to engage in a discussion with Foreign Minister Hamad in advance of his very important and much anticipated trip to Washington next week to engage in our strategic dialogue. And I thank you, sir.


Released on April 20, 2004

Embassy of the United States