PARIS, FRANCE – On Monday, United States Helsinki Commission Chairman Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-CO) was successful in Paris, France, with passage of an amendment to improve the human rights conditions for indigenous peoples in the U.S. and throughout Europe.

A key committee of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe's Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA), meeting for its tenth annual session at the French National Assembly, approved the measure. Campbell's initiative was the first-ever to focus on the situation of indigenous people in the OSCE region in the 10 years since the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly was founded. The full Assembly adopted the Campbell Amendment on Tuesday.

During debate on the amendment in the General Committee on Economic Affairs, Science, Technology and Environment, Campbell said, "As an American Indian from ancestry on my father's side, and a leader on the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, I have dedicated myself to improving the social, educational and economic opportunities for indigenous peoples. It is essential that participating States recognize the importance of fostering improved opportunities for members of these communities through community and business development."

The Campbell Amendment urges the 55 participating States in the OSCE "to promote social, educational and economic opportunity for indigenous peoples, many of whom have suffered from centuries of discrimination and isolation, and to foster community, economic, and business development in their communities." Campbell stated, "Only through coordinated efforts can we hope to begin to remedy the social, educational and economic problems for these individuals following centuries of discrimination and marginalization. They cannot without help lift themselves out of the hopeless cycle of poverty and despair. We cannot go back, so we must help them go forward."

Similar legislation was introduced by Campbell in February in the U.S. Senate, S.343, to establish a demonstration project to integrate and coordinate federal funding dedicated to the community, business, and economic development of Native Americans. Campbell, as Chairman of the Helsinki Commission, headed the Congressional Delegation which represented the U.S. Congress at the annual Parliamentary Assembly meeting of the 55-member Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE PA).

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CONTACT: Paul Moorehead 202-224-2251

July 11, 2001