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NIST IR's header image

Listed below are NIST IRs and associated documents having to do with Computer Security.  Some of these IRs are not available online, which can be ordered from the link provided in the "No Electronic Version Available."
Key to different File formats / Extensions and program to use to view documents:
    .pdf  can be viewed by using Adobe Acrobat Reader
    .wp can be viewed by using WordPerfect
    .doc can be viewed by using Microsoft Word
    .ps can be viewed by using Ghostscript or some other postscript program
    .htm(l) are webpages and can be viewed by using a Web browser (such as Netscape or Microsoft Explorer)
    .txt are ASCII text files and can be viewed by using a number of different applications such as a Web browser, a word processor, or Notepad/Wordpad.

IR 7111
"Computer Security Division - 2003 Annual Report",
June 2004
- pdf file (4,220 KB)
IR 7100
"PDA Forensic Tools:An Overview and Analysis",
August 2004
- pdf file (2,509 KB)
IR 7056
"Card Technology Development and Gap Analysis Interagency Report",
March 2004
- pdf file (832 KB)
IR 7046
"A Framework for Multi-Mode Authentication: Overview and Implementation Guide",
August 2003
- pdf file (712 KB)
IR 7030
"Picture Password: A Visual Login Technique for Mobile Devices",
July 2003
- pdf file (652 KB)
IR 7007
"An Overview of Issues in Testing Intrusion Detection Systems",
June 2003
- pdf file (77.5 KB)
IR 6985
"COTS Security Protection Profile - Operating Systems (CSPP-OS) (Worked Example Applying Guidance of NISTIR-6462, CSPP)",
April 2003
- pdf file (580 KB)
- Word file in Rich Text format (.rtf) (4.84 MB)

IR 6981
"Policy Expression and Enforcement for
Handheld Devices",
May 2003
- .pdf version (622 KB)
IR 6887
"Government Smart Card Interoperability Specification (GSC-IS), v2.1",
July 2003
- .pdf version (1.57 MB)
IR 6483
"Randomness Testing of the Advanced Encryption Standard Finalist Candidates1",
March 2000
- MS Word (235 KB)
- .pdf version (545 KB)

IR 6462
"CSPP - Guidance for COTS Security Protection Profiles",
December 1999
4 different file formats:
- Word rich text (.rtf) format (3.96 MB)
- Adobe Reader (.pdf) (559 KB)
- zipped .rtf format (271 KB)
- zipped .pdf format (467 KB)
IR 6416
"Applying Mobile Agents to Intrusion Detection and Response",
September 1999
- .pdf format (141 KB)
IR 6390
"Randomness Testing of the Advanced Encryption Standard Candidate Algorithms",
September 1999
- MS Word (69.0 KB)
- .pdf version (37.2 KB)

IR 6068
"Report on the TMACH Experiment",
July 1997
No electronic version available.
IR 5810
"The TMACH Experiment Phase 1 - Preliminary Developmental Evaluation",
June 1996
No electronic version available.
IR 5788
"Public Key Infrastructure Invitational Workshop September 28, 1995, MITRE Corporation, McLean, Virginia",
November 1995
No electronic version available.
IR 5590
"Proceedings Report of the International Invitation Workshop on Developmental Assurance",
January 1995
No electronic version available.
IR 5540
"Multi-Agency Certification and Accreditation (C&A) Process: A Worked Example",
December 1994
No electronic version available.
IR 5570
"An Assessment of the DOD Goal Security Architecture (DGSA) for Non-Military Use",
November 1994
No electronic version available.
IR 5495
"Computer Security Training & Awareness Course Compendium",
- Text File (276 KB)
IR 5472
"A Head Start on Assurance Proceedings of an Invitational Workshop on Information Technology (IT) Assurance and Trustworthiness",
August 1994
- Text File (163 KB)
IR 5308
"General Procedures for Registering Computer Security Objects",
December 1993
- Text File (34 KB)
IR 5283
"Security of SQL-Based Implementations of Product Data Exchange Using Step",
October 1993
No electronic version available.
IR 5234
"Report of the NIST Workshop on Digital Signature Certificate Management, December 10-11, 1992",
August 1993
No electronic version available.
IR 5232
"Report of the NSF/NIST Workshop on NSFNET/NREN Security, July 6-7, 1992",
May 1993
No electronic version available.
IR 5153
"Minimum Security Requirements for Multi-User Operating Systems",
March 1993
- Text File (103 KB)
IR 4976
"Assessing Federal and Commercial Information Security Needs",
- Text File (97 KB)
IR 4939
"Threat Assessment of Malicious Code and External Attacks",
October 1992
3 different file formats:
- threats/ HTML
- ir4939.txt (38 KB)
- ir4939.ps (225 KB)

IR 4774
"A Review of U.S. and European Security Evaluation Criteria",
March 1992
No electronic version available.
IR 4734
"Foundations of a Security Policy for use of the National Research and Educational Network",
February 1992
.pdf file (1,357 KB)
IR 4749
"Sample Statements of Work for Federal Computer Security Services: For use In-House or Contracting Out",
December 1991
- Text File (178 KB)

If you have any questions or need more information regarding any of these NIST IRs, contact Liz Lennon by e-mail: elizabeth.lennon@nist.gov (click e-mail address) or call by phone 301-975-2832.


Last updated: September 9, 2004
Page created: February 23, 2001

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