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U.S. Geological Survey - Utah

Contacts for USGS information in Utah

The U.S. Geological Survey has been mapping and investigating the geologic and hydrologic resources of Utah for more than 100 years. Our mission is to provide this information to the public. We welcome your inquiries. To facilitate inquiries for information we have placed email links in the appropriate locations. These links will direct your inquiries to the person who is best able to respond to them.

If you need information from any of the states that border Utah, use the links provided - Neighboring States

USGS Outreach and Education contains general hydrologic information for students.


Phone and mail inquiries also are welcome. To contact us by phone or mail please use the following address:

URL for this document <http://ut.water.usgs.gov/usgsabout/contact.html>.
U.S. Geological Survey - Utah, Home Page <http://ut.water.usgs.gov/index.html> .
If you have any questions or comments about this document contact <GS-W-UT_Web_Requests@usgs.gov>
URL:http://ut.water.usgs.gov /usgsabout/contact.html
return to Utah home page

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
2329 Orton Circle, West Valley City, Ut, 84119
Maintainer: GS-W-UT_Web_Requests@usgs.gov
Last Modified: Thursday, 17-Jan-2002 14:15:24 EST
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