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The X6A Workbench: Advanced Structural Biology Tools

Next Workbench : October 19 - 22

The NIGMS facility at the National Synchrotron Light Source is offering comprehensive hands on training in synchrotron data collection and analysis for biophysicists, biochemists and molecular biologists. The goal is to provide participants an insight into Structural Biology methods. Applications can be sent throughout the year. Four Experimenters will be selected each month and invited to participate in this four day program. Most of the program will concentrate on the development of experimental skills. Introductory lectures will be presented by local experts.

Participants are invited to bring their own samples for the experiments but samples will be provided for training.

Due to enhanced security, it is requested of all participants to register as well as BNL visitors. Please follow the link http://www.nsls.bnl.gov/users/access/userregistration.htm

Created and maintained by Veena
Last modified: Oct 01 2004.